Also Yall Should Check Baphomet/Jace Out - Tumblr Posts
Tagged by @baphometprince
Name: Xavier (but I do love when people call me Sam these days)
Birthday: 12/3
Height: 6 ft
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Hobbies: Typically art an D&D, viddy games and comics when I can.
Fav Color: Purple and black, preferably a bit of a mix of the two.
Favourite Books: I'm really into Brandon Sanderson's cosmere stuff
Last Song Listened To: Rock and Roll in a Black Hole by Rob Zombie
Last Movie Watched: Conan the Barbarian
Dream Job: God I would fucking love for my art skills to reach the point that I could become a famous comic artist.
Meaning Behind URL: I'm a huge fucking d&d nerd and the first character I made was also the first time I DMed, so I let everyone play as overpowered monsters in a journey to the center of the earth sort of pre historic land, and I of course played a barbarian, Samson the Stone Giant. I loved him so ever since I've used SamsonStone online. (Also I take pride in my long mane of hair, lol)
Tagging uh @goris-the-friendclaw (if You wanna), @ratlastheseus , @nightmaredaisy, and uhhh anyone else who wants to