Always Lending A Helping Hand - Tumblr Posts
Auughh, this is so cute, so wholesome....I don't have words

To all my mutuals, to all my friends I have made in less than a month, I'm so happy having found my community in all of you! I hope to bring you joy and laughs! If anyone needs something I'm always here for anything
Hope you have a wonderful time in this wet rock we call home: @iroissleepdeprived, @poshgirlsstuff, @perroulisses, @nyx-of-darkness-1620, @nikoisme, @simugeuge, @incorrecthomer, @incorrectatlas, @orchestrated-haunting, @ironspdr6700, @katerinaaqu, @random-krab, @dootznbootz, and anyone who wants to join in!
Thanks Titi, @jarondont

friendship lives in little things and little things make up love. and what is love if not knowing everything about them before you know their name?
just something i made for school on the prompt internet. to my best friends and to my amazing online friends <3