And Also Hi Cog (just Realizing I Should've Reblogged It From You Instead But. Oh Well) Here's The Long-awaited Sequel - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
[Start ID. Two Side-by-side Drawings In The Same Palette. The Left Image Shows Drya Sitting With Her
[Start ID. Two Side-by-side Drawings In The Same Palette. The Left Image Shows Drya Sitting With Her

[Start ID. Two side-by-side drawings in the same palette. The left image shows Drya sitting with her legs bent in front of her, facing to the left and seemingly on a flat surface, one hand at her spear and the other on the floor. She's smiling and looking back at Tel. The right image depicts Tel, cross-legged on the floor and facing right, holding a whetstone and shard. Her face is partially obscured, but she looks back at Drya. Her bag and a spare metal shard lay behind her. Both images share a pink tone, and matching background in the colors of the lesbian flag. End ID.]


Bug Fables OC Tournament Round 2

Bug Fables OC Tournament Round 2
Bug Fables OC Tournament Round 2

Drya (she/her) and Tel (she/they) (or Team Drya) from @enbeemerang

Drya is a (very lovable) dumb rosy maple moth, who came from far outside of Bugaria. Right now, she resides outside of Defiant Root with her girlfriend, Tel! Drya's very outspoken, and is ready to defend her friends with whatever it takes. She's canonically trans, and a lesbian! She very much enjoys going to Crisbee's for a snack, and doing jobs with her girlfriend. Drya uses a spear (a toothpick with a shard of metal tied onto it) as her weapon, and won't stand down. Drya is always down to make a friend, and with her outspoken nature, knows many bugs across Bugaria. She's also a bit of a herbo.

Tel is a much more rational sap beetle. Due to her quietness and more closed off personality, she may come off as cold and not friendly to new bugs she meets. But, she holds lots of care for those she holds close like her friends and loved ones. Growing up in Defiant Root, she loves the research side of exploring, knowing that Drya has her back. Tel is also trans, and a lesbian. Tel's weapon of choice are metal shards. She carries up to 5 whenever she goes out exploring, which she throws at her enemies. She enjoys documentation, and frequents the Ant Kingdom Library whenever she can. Having grown up in Bugaria, she knows practically everybody in Defiant Root, and others across the Ant Kingdom.

Tel and Drya met about two years pre canon in the game. Drya left her home to find somewhere more accepting, and after losing her sibling in the journey, found herself in the Lost Sands. Dehydrated and lost, she couldn't continue. That night, Tel found her, and helped her regain her strength. The year on, Drya had stayed in Defiant Root with Tel, where the two grew closer, until they began dating. After Drya had learned of the explorer's guild, she was eager to be able to continue exploring and going on journeys, with a land that accepted her.

Tel and Drya are an inseparable duo. When they explore, Drya takes up the front, ready to defend her girlfriend at any given moment. Tel goes slower, stopping to document things, or to take samples and place them in the little pouch she carries. They love each other very much! They fight as a single unit, and are best friends.

They also both wear Favorite One medals, as they are each others favorites :)

Argentum (he/him) from @alagadda

Argentum is a beautiful silver wasp (Priochilus gloriosum) and a mercenary, assassin, and bounty hunter. He appeals to those who would seek his illicit services because he does his job without asking questions. He's very impersonal during work but much more open and emotional in everyday life. He's a real prick, honestly.

He takes the mandibles off his victims as proof of a job well done, but he often makes necklaces out of them and keeps them as trophies because there's something deeply wrong with him. He also loots all his victims corpses so his husband can sell off their belongings.

He's in a surprisingly healthy and loving marriage with Aurum, a golden reined digger wasp (Sphex habenus) ex-explorer, who became disillusioned with life after almost dying in search of the Everlasting Sapling. They both reside in Defiant Root where Aurum runs a shop to sell off the aforementioned looted goods, but he wants both of them to eventually move to the Golden Settlement. Aurum loves his husband deeply even if he's completely out of his mind and thinks wearing body parts as trophies is cool. He wants Argentum to do literally anything else as a job, but still loves and supports him.

He attacks with his prized blade, poisoned with his own venom and made by Aurum from the mandible of his first victim.

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