And Frankly Im Very Happy It Presents A Chance For Jean To Be Comfortable & Happy For Once In His Life - Tumblr Posts
6 years ago
i can’t believe ppl think renee is straight what a wild concept.
Tags :
renee walker
dumb shit
l i s t e n
okay its not that i dislike jean and renee
and frankly im very happy it presents a chance for jean to be comfortable & happy for once in his life
but honestly for the whole 2nd and 3rd book i thought renee & allison were together
and that it was probably secret because allison was still coming to terms with seth's death or something & that itd get disclosed later on
and it didnt and i was super confused
and then i read the extra stuff on nora twitter and i found out about jean & renee
and to be honest i just didnt see it cause its not how i read them as characters
so how i personally see renee instead of how i disagree with noras choice as i still do like jean and renee