And Hey Look You Caught Me Online So LIGHTNING RESPONSE! - Tumblr Posts
For his size, Monster's hands were comically large, but they were still pretty small in comparison to Frank's mighty grip. "Well nice to meet you Frank- ..." The gears in the werehog's head were turning as he realize the implications of his name. Slowly he let out a couple small chuckles. "Eh heh. Heh. I get it. Like Frankenstein."
"Huh. Aren't you Sonic? Havin' a bad hair day or somethin'?"
Monster turned at the voice and was met with… knees. Large knees. Veeeery slowly his gaze went up, and up, and up, until finally he met Frank’s eyes. Noting the pale flesh and bolts in his throat, Monster swallowed dryly, but still waved smally and smiled nervously, trying to be nice. “Eh heh, yep, Sonic. That’s me…”
Despite being unnerved he pouted slightly at the bad hair day remark. “More like bad hair lifetime…” he mumbled.