And I Was So Interested I Eventually Got Into It - Tumblr Posts
1 year ago
Star Wars: Rebels is objectively the best self-contained post-Disney Star Wars series and I’m tired of pretending that it wasn’t.
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i was forced to watch the original trilogy as just a little kid and i hated it so i hated star wars
like with a passion
little kid disgust everytime
and then one day when i was like 14 i specifically remember
my family watched swr
i think it was s1 e6
the one where he's at the cadet school
and i was so interested i eventually got into it
i didnt know shit about jedi
didnt know who ahsoka was at the end of season 1
but did i have a good time
yes i did
even now i dont really care for anything outside of it
but swr is so close to my heart
star wars rebels