And It Would Explain Gordon's Proficiency With Firearms! - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Remember The TF2 Dream I Had Some Time Ago? I Liked The Idea And Gave Engie A Family In My Sims 3 Game.
Remember The TF2 Dream I Had Some Time Ago? I Liked The Idea And Gave Engie A Family In My Sims 3 Game.
Remember The TF2 Dream I Had Some Time Ago? I Liked The Idea And Gave Engie A Family In My Sims 3 Game.
Remember The TF2 Dream I Had Some Time Ago? I Liked The Idea And Gave Engie A Family In My Sims 3 Game.

Remember the TF2 Dream I had some time ago? I liked the idea and gave Engie a family in my Sims 3 game. Some time later my brother saw the Sims I created and noted that I (accidentally) made Engie’s nephew look kind of similar to Gordon Freeman. XD Well, so guess who just played all Half Life games (coincidentally only a few days before HL3 was “released”) and decided to develop this idea further and turn it into this comic?


Family visit (2017)

Please do not alter, repost/reupload or redistribute my artwork anywhere! (Reblogging is perfectly fine, of course.)

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