And Lurking Around Other Blogs Sending Asks - Tumblr Posts

I hereby invite you, dear fellow Tumblr user, to play a game with me, to connect, to get to know each other and have fun.
All you have to do: interact with this post. Like it, reblog it, comment on it.
As soon as you do that, I will hop over to your site, take a little look and send you an ask. Sometimes it's a question, or a little quest, other times a compliment, but always something nice to brighten your day.
And if you want, you can do the same. Just don't forget to use the tag #ask.revival 2024
Some ideas for your own asks under the cut
Now.... let the games begin!
Hey, what kind of drink would I have to order if I wanted to get to know you? #ask.revival 2024
Would you rather replace the sun with the moon or have the forest floor replaced with the ocean floor? #ask.revival 2024
Who's your favorite side character? Bonus points if I have no idea about that fandom. #ask.revival 2024
If you could delete one color from the color wheel, which one would it be? #ask.revival 2024