5 years ago

Angelic Pretty Questions

Sugary Carnival: Have you ever been considered popular? Milky Planet: Besides earth, what planet would you come from? Rose Toilette: Your signature perfume?   Whimsical Vanilla-chan: What pets do you have/want to have? Marine Kingdom: Favourite undersea creature? Dreamy Dollhouse: Describe your room with just 5 words. Melty Chocolate: Favourite type of chocolate? Sugar Dream Dome: What do you like most about Winter? Milky Berry: What do you like most about Summer? Happy Garden: What types of things would you plant in a garden? Magical Étoile:  Favourite attraction at a carnival? Toy Parade: What toys did you play with as a child? Holy Lantern: Describe the darker side to your personality. Melody Doll: What types of music do you listen to? Wonder Party: Favourite type of tea? Glass Bottle of Tears: What, without fail, makes you cry? Cinema Doll: What makes a movie really enjoyable for you? Memorial Cake: What is your ideal romantic experience? Star Night Theatre: If life was viewed as a theatre stage, what role would you play? Cotton Candy Shop: If you had your own shop, what things would you sell? Decoration Dream: Favourite way to decorate a cake? Fancy Box: What gift(s) did you get for your birthday last year? Misty Sky: What is your favourite type of weather? Dreamy Horoscope: What is your zodiac sign, and do you relate to it? Symphonia of Birds: Favourite type of bird? Day Dream Carnival: What do you daydream about the most?   Royal Cards: Name a game you are really good at. Milky Cross: Are you a religious person? Cream Cookie: What kinds of snacks do you munch on? Drained Cherry: What emotionally exhausts you? Fancy Paper Dolls: What accessories would come with a doll version of you?  Holy Night Story: Favourite thing to do when it’s night time? Candy Treat: Favourite type of candy?   Fantastic Dolly: What cosmetics do you use? Drink Me: Favourite drink/beverage?  Merry Making Party: Describe the biggest party you’ve ever been to. Country of Sweets: What countries would you like to visit?  Fruits Parlour: Favourite fruit?  Dream Sky: Have you ever seen a shooting star? Soap Bubbles: How do you like to bathe/shower? Jewelry Jelly: Name 3 of your favourite jewellery pieces. Dream Fantasy: What is your wildest fantasy?   Milky-chan the Fawn: Favourite forest animal? Honey Cake: What do you normally eat for breakfast? Dreamy Baby Room: The most childish part of your personality? Chess Chocolate: What piece would you be on a chess board? French Cafe: Favourite thing to eat at a patisserie? Sugar Hearts: How is your love life right now?     Wonder Story: What types of things do you like to read about? Twinkle Mermaid: Favourite type of fantasy creature? Gloria: Name a very rare item that you would love to own.

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