And Not Things That I Can't - Tumblr Posts
did they say what about your activity made them think you were multiaccounting? can you copypaste what they said exactly if they did? i've always been really scared of getting a random ban and like to know what to avoid doing to make staff think i was multiaccounting.
I think straight copy pasting would fall into abusing the ticket line system( Not 100% sure, so just being safe here)
No, nothing of that nature was included in the reply, which was probably a safety measure. Don't want that info floating around the internet where it can be used to avoid detection, so they most likely don't even release what they look for.
Yeah it can be a little jarring. Everyone's different in how much their lore/clans mean to them, so I can only speak from my experience.
To curb anxiety it might help to consider backing up your lore and anything else you might feel is important to you. That's all you really can do. Stressing about the stuff you can't control only serves to make you more anxious. No game is worth worrying so hard over that you can't enjoy it, especially if it's something out of your hands.