And Please Make Sure To Give The Other Blogs I Mentioned Some Love Too! - Tumblr Posts
could you write something about your first kisses with the bachelor/ettes? I feel like you're the only blog who characterizes them well ugh
Hey, anon. Sorry for disappearing on you, that’s my bad. I hope this is worth the wait.
Honestly, I try not to look at a lot of other stardew blogs because someone else’s opinion of a character can pretty heavily influence my own interpretations—however—Jo, Beets, Snail and Bom are all great, and I can’t recommend them enough. (Minors do not follow/interact with Jo or Beets, and Bom and Snail don’t want any kiddos interacting with their NSFW stuff, so don’t do that either. Be nice and respect everyone's boundaries.) But besides them, I’ve got nothing. Maybe some good samaritans will drop a few more users in the notes for you? But as always I appreciate the love, anon.
There’s cursing (my fault), a little bit of dialogue, and some suggestive moments (also my fault), but it isn't bad so I’ll settle with a “Minors Proceed With Extreme Caution” warning. I know that some of the bachelors have a proper kiss in their heart events, but I like my ideas more so we’re gonna ignore those lmfao.
Out of all of the bachelors, he’s the most nervous
Which is ironic, given the “jump-head-first-into-things-with-no-care-for-my-personal-safety” vibe he’s got going on, but whatever
He refuses to touch you, at first—but not because he doesn’t want to
Sam is an extremely tactile person, so of course he wants to touch you—but he also knows he can be a bit much sometimes, and he doesn’t want to chase you off with his greed or his enthusiasm
So he goes for soft, gentle, and perfectly pliant under your touch as you pull him in
It’s honestly a little jarring, because he seems the type to get desperate (true) and not be able to control himself (also very true)
But this boy is exercising an immense amount of self control to not jump headfirst into getting heavy and fast and yanking on clothes too hard
He does a good job keeping himself contained atta boy, buddy
He thought that once he’d finally gotten a taste of you, maybe he’d finally be able to think about literally anything else
Unfortunately, he would be incorrect
And now that he has experienced it, he’s overwhelmed and dizzy with his want
He keeps his eyes closed and basks in it for at least five seconds after you pull away
He is absolutely heaving, wrecked just from the tiniest chaste press of your lips against his
He’s been waiting for you to do that for weeks
His eyes flutter open slowly, and then his gaze flicks up to you
Licks his lips as he tracks his eyes down your torso and back up
His palm is warm against the back of your neck as he pulls you down for seconds
And yeah, this is more like how you thought it’d be
Does not stop pulling you against him, even though you physically couldn’t get any closer if you tried
Your shirt gets rucked up to your waist untintentionally, because he keeps gripping you and yanking you closer
But the moment he feels your bare skin against his palms, he’s flinging himself backward
Blinks up at you with bright pink cheeks and his hands twitching against your waist
Swallows hard and clenches his jaw
He knows he should let go but he really doesn’t want to
If you lean back in, he drags his hands up slowly, and traces the line of your spine with his fingertips
I’ll stop there lol
This boy. Jesus.
He’s got next to no experience, let’s just get that out of the way now
Is immediately overwhelmed, even before you kiss him
Just the feeling of your palms warm on his jaw as you angle him just so is enough to have him trembling
Stares at your lips through half-lidded eyes until you finally finish closing the distance
Shivers at the slightest brush of your lips against his
He gasps high and can’t even find it in himself to be embarrassed by it
Grabs onto your hips for dear life
He is immensely glad that you decided to kiss him while he was leaning on his bike, because otherwise he would have collapsed at your feet he might collapse anyway
Lord help him if you try to deepen the kiss though
If you do, he might actually pass out
Similarly to Sam, he’s going to get desperate after a minute, but he’ll hold himself back
He’ll have way less success with it than Sam, though
Sebastian definitely holds you a little too tight, and doesn’t give you enough space or time to breathe between kisses
Even if you don’t touch him beyond holding his face, when you pull away, he looks absolutely debauched
Like you could’ve sworn your hands were never in his hair but somehow it’s still ruffled?
Nevermind his hoodie sitting askew on his shoulders and giving a considerable peak at his collarbones
Honestly you don’t know how he managed to do all that, but don’t bother asking him because he is not able to think straight at all
His eyes are hardly open, blinking slowly and zoned absolutely the fuck out while he tries to catch his breath
Homeboy is straight up panting
“Breathe, Seb.”
Whines out a “no” all petulantly, pulls you flush against his chest, and dives in again
Homeboy spent weeks fantasizing about kissing you before he finally worked up the courage
He wants your first kiss to be special, like something straight off the movie screen
But he’s constantly second guessing himself, convinced that no moment is perfect enough to cut it
He’s hoping that the moment will come when you’re on a date or something, and he’s planning romantic shit left and right with the hopes that something will click and that’ll be it
He’s dropping you off at home after another date, and another failed attempt
He walks down your porch and turns around briefly to make sure you get inside safely
You’re watching him go, a knowing smile on your face as you reach for the handle
“Goodnight, Alex. Get home safe.”
You lick your lips, and turn to go inside
That’s what does it. Because of course it is.
The urge, the determination, the sudden desire thick and pooling in his chest that he’s never felt before—he knows without a doubt that if he doesn’t kiss you right now, he’s going to cry
Fuck perfection, fuck the moment, he just wants to kiss you
Practically stomps up your front steps, breath heaving in his chest as he reaches out and pulls you right against him with a hand on your jaw
Angling you just so, and leaning in to seal your lips together
He breathes a sigh of relief
Something like satisfaction settles in his chest, warm like honey dripping into a mug of tea
His touch is firm on your jaw, keeping you perfectly angled for him to kiss you how he wants
You hold onto his arms for dear life, anchoring yourself to him as he kisses you so eagerly that your back actually hits your front door
It doesn’t hurt, but that makes you gasp into his mouth, and oof that sound is dangerous for his sanity
Isn’t really rough about it, but he is firm
Hisses a curse or two between kisses, licks his lips a lot because he can’t get enough
Bringing your hands up around his shoulders, you tangle your fingertips in the short cropped hair on his nape
You run your fingernails over his skin lightly, and he shivers hard
Practically pins you against the door in his effort to get closer
He accidentally presses too close, and the tiniest noise rumbles against his lips from the back of your throat
He knows what that sound means immediately, and alarm bells go off in his head
Tears himself away from you and pants for breath
Drops his forehead against your shoulder and props himself up against the door instead of holding you
God, your voice is all hoarse from kissing him and it’s putting dangerous thoughts in his head
“I should go home. Before I…”
You agree, but he doesn’t move away
Your eyes flick down to his lips for a split second, and that’s enough
Just one more, he tells himself, and then you’re swapping the air in your lungs again
With one hand spread against the mahogany and the other gripping your hip, he gives you a few more than just the one
Same dilemma as Alex
Wants it to be special, dramatic, memorable, heart-stopping, all the things
And he tries
He tries so hard
And it almost works.
God dammit, his picnic by the pond next to Marnie’s almost works
The moment is perfect, you’re smiling up at him with the breeze blowing in your hair and the sun in your smile
Until the sun is suddenly gone and the wind picks up into a howl
In almost no time at all a storm cracks the sky open and you two get absolutely drenched
You run to your farmhouse, practically soaked through as you make it to the safety of your porch awning
The picnic is ruined, and he’s super disappointed because he was so close
Then he looks at you, and he’s never seen such a beautiful sight
Hair glued to your face from the rain, with a wild grin on your face and your laughter chiming like bells in his ears
He drops the picnic blanket heavy with rain water across the top of your porch bench to dry, and sets the basket down
He needs his hands free if he wants to do this right
He’s stepping towards you, shivering from the rain sticking to his skin
And we all know Elliott is a romantic at heart
Wipes the rain off your cheeks as best he can, all while he smiles softly at you
“May I kiss you?”
You nod quickly, immediately hooking your hands on the lapels of his jacket and hanging on
Kisses you gentle and slow
Cradles the back of your head and neck like you’re made of glass
It isn’t a particularly long kiss—maybe a few seconds at most
Breathes quietly against your lips when you part
Looks at you for a few long moments with all the love in his heart, and doesn’t plan on kissing you twice until you’re glancing at his lips again
Elliott brings his hands to your shoulder blades and presses you close to his chest
But he can’t get close enough
Drags his hands down to your waist and grips you tight
You squeak against his mouth when he does, and that’s when he loses his composure
Starts kissing you a little more firmly, tries deepening the kiss a bit
Shivers and gasps when your fingers tangle into his hair, still stringy and wet from the rain
And he doesn’t stop shivering
You pull away, feeling his shoulders shaking uncontrollably, and then you giggle because his teeth have started chattering
You invite him inside to dry off and warm up
He may or may not kiss you again.
You’d think your first kiss would be nervous and awkward—no.
Shane holds himself back for at least a few weeks into your relationship, worried out of his mind that one wrong move is gonna shatter everything for you two
So once he’s confident and knows for certain that he’s what you want,
He’s not holding back for shit
Homeboy physically can’t stand the tension anymore anyway, especially with how often he catches you staring at him—at his lips
Pulls you in by the back of your neck and keeps his hand there to hold you close
Even when he pulls away to let you catch your breath, it’s barely enough because you’re still gasping into each other’s mouths
He literally does not let you go more than an inch or two
Your lips are 100% flushed and tingling from how much he nips at them
His other hand is firm on your waist and he does not let you go unless you ask him to
Struggles to choose between looking into your eyes or staring at your lips any time you part
So he does both
His hair is usually a little scruffy looking, but something about a kiss like that has him looking particularly disheveled
Shiny pink lips, bruised and angry red from how hard he’s pressing into you
Eyebrows pinched together and it almost makes him look angry
His hoodie is probably pulling at his shoulders a bit because somehow you managed to push it down his arms
Presses his thumb against the pulse point beneath your jaw, just to make sure he’s not the only one who’s losing it
And he struggles to keep it together when he feels your heart thumping wildly in your throat
Recognizes which direction you’re both going and starts switching to chaste pecks
Rests his forehead against yours as you both calm back down
Gets a little teary while looking at you, and huffs a wet laugh too
He’s so happy with you, and doesn’t know how he got so lucky
Softest fucking kiss you’ve ever been given in your entire life
Your noses bump together a little before he’s diving in close
Holds you so delicately, because you’re so precious to him
Gives you a few test pecks before he actually goes for it, and breathes in heavily through his nose when he does
It’s the kind of kiss that has you pulling on each other to get as close as possible
He holds the back of your neck like Shane, but he’s much more gentle about it
Will let you pull away however many times you want, but chases after you every time
His eyes are all hazy and he physically cannot stop looking at your mouth
With one hand on your waist, Harvey will dip his thumb under the hem of your shirt and rub back and forth over your skin
You’ve never seen him as focused as he is when he’s kissing you
Doesn’t move to take the kiss deeper, and doesn’t use tongue—but he doesn’t need to
Just the insistent press of lips is enough to get his point across
If his glasses get pushed up or clink against your face, he’ll pull back to take them off and set them down
The tension is kind of overwhelming
Every time he tries to restrain himself or exhibit self control, it only takes one look at your big eyes blinking at him with a flush on your cheeks and he’s getting right back up in your business
You’ve never heard him curse so openly before, but trying to control himself is nearing painful
Dives in, pauses a centimeter away, swears viciously because he’s failing miserably at controlling himself, and then he’s giving up entirely
Couldn’t resist you even if he wanted to
You’ll have to be the one to put an end to it because Harvey cannot
Don’t call his name while he’s like this though because then he won’t give you a moment to speak again