And The Antlers Looking Like Radio Towers Is GENIUS - Tumblr Posts

Always Fun To See How Everyone Does Concepts So Differently, Eh? Wanted To Try A Version Of Alastor From
Always Fun To See How Everyone Does Concepts So Differently, Eh? Wanted To Try A Version Of Alastor From
Always Fun To See How Everyone Does Concepts So Differently, Eh? Wanted To Try A Version Of Alastor From

Always fun to see how everyone does concepts so differently, eh? Wanted to try a version of Alastor from Hazbin Hotel made as if I'd designed it, but like a true demon/abomination version?? ...Thankfully I do not have to try animating this jerk, so I took a few fun liberties. You know. Uh. Just a FEW...

(Fandom wants him to have a deer tail. His voice actor thought he'd have a devil tail. So I gave him two deer tails as coat-tails as well as the devil tail! Whee!!) Can you believe I did this whole thing just because of how his radio tower gets renovated in episode 8? There's the concept sketches too, whee. No one cares about pure sketches though, so I had some fun and coloured one of 'em. Let's see if anyone sees this XD

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