And Then It Becomes Much Less Fun And Much More Tedious - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Just wanted to say that the light and coloring in your recent "Doing Time" gifset is truly excellent. Not sure if you're posting these as-captured or doing some post-processing, but whatever your method, your gifs look great!

Thanks for sharing them with us. -s

Thank you so much!

There is quite a bit of post-processing on most of the gifs I make. That set in particular was one of the really satisfying ones where (in addition to just having the artistic liberty to make it look however I want) doing the coloring felt a lot like wiping a layer of grime off the camera to show the image underneath.

Out of curiosity, I just went back and put a layer mask over two of those gifs to compare the raw footage vs. my edit:

Just Wanted To Say That The Light And Coloring In Your Recent "Doing Time" Gifset Is Truly Excellent.
Just Wanted To Say That The Light And Coloring In Your Recent "Doing Time" Gifset Is Truly Excellent.

Definitely a different vibe in the raw footage, lol... this scene is also really purple for some reason? Trying to emphasize the Cult-y aura, I guess.

Anyway, I had fun with this one. Thanks again for the ask and the compliment - definitely made my day!

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