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Fan Stand for Ishaq: Angèle
Decided to restart this with different OCs

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((Note, if this is your first time encountering my OCs and you're interested, check out my pinned for more info))
For this Jojo/Science Club AU, I'll just have it that Ishaq is working for the Speedwagon foundation or something lol
After stabbing himself with a stand arrow that the foundation had obtained for their stand experiment program, Ishaq ended up gaining his stand, Angèle.
Angèle is not a powerful stand, it's power level being an E, but it wields 3 abilities:
Je Veux Tes Yeux: Ishaq is straight up able to steal people's eyes and do whatever he wants with them, often adding them to himself. It can be used on others as well, using his stand for his day job as a neurosurgeon, having advertised himself as finding the cure for blindness, though the world is unaware of the true nature of his cure.
New Perspective: Ishaq can use his stand to see things through other peoples eyes, but this can only be used on people that Angèle has imprinted on. This does more than just let him use the foundation's employees for monitoring, but it allows him to get a read on someone's thoughts and emotions in that moment, allowing him to truly see things through other people's perspectives.
The range on this ability is fairly strong, but the people that Angèle has imprinted on need to be within a 15 mile radius of the stand for Ishaq to see through their perspective, but the next ability doesn't have a range limit.
All Along the Watchtower: Ishaq can leave his eyes on inanimate objects as well, and All Along the Watchtower allows him to access those eyes for monitoring at any point. If those eyes are found and destroyed, it does reflect damage to Ishaq, even from far away, but not that much.
Power:E |Speed:E |Range:D |Stamina:D |Precision:D |Development: C
In terms of combat, Ishaq can blind his opponents and get a read on their stand ability with New Perspective, but he mostly just uses his ability to monitor people within the Foundation. He is best fighting with someone else, and relaying information to them, as he usually does.