Animatronic Oc - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

The Faz-Learning program: Gardening with flower child!

Welcome to Flower Childs garden of fazerific wonder and interactive play located inside the pizzaplex! Most of the inside garden is fake for sanitary reasons and allergenic reasons. You can find Flower holds gardening classes every month. These classes last Friday through Sunday as each day is a different activity. If you or your child is interested in partaking in this faztastic weekend of fun and learning read bellow for details.

Friday: They have little plant pots consisting of different shapes that the kiddos can choose and paint right after snacktime, the older kiddos (preteens and teens) have the option to sculpt their own flower pot from clay; if they choose to sculpt they will be brought back sooner then the others. Once the pots are dried everyone interested in participating are brought back. Once they finish they either are welcome to go to Starchild's out of this world cool down and quiet play area filled with relaxing sensory items; however non-disabled or obnoxious kids are not aloud in unless they can follow the rules in there! Kids also are aloud to stay inside flowerchilds garden of fazerific wonder and interactive play, obnoxious, and certain sensory activities! They also are welcome to go back to the superstar daycare.

Saturday: After snacktime all the kids who are engaging in the fazer- garden are brought back once again and are given a selection of seeds to choose from mainly consisting of types of grass, small bushes, cactus, and flowers. Depending on the thing chosen plant, Flower child will explain facts about the plants in a way that will suit your child's intellectual level while still helping them learn and expand their growing minds. Once everyone is finished choosing they will be brought to sit on the ground with their pots and cleaner bots will assist in bringing small bags of soil to the kids along with tiny paper cups with their seeds in it. FC will walk the kids through planting the seeds and how to properly prepare them to he able to grow. Afterwards the kids will end up taking a nap quite a bit after the regular scheduled naptime so they will sleep and nap until their parents pick them up. If a kid is unable to fall asleep, or wakes up and is unable to fall asleep they are aloud to go to star or flowers rooms for the remainder of the time.

Sunday: The last part of this three day long learning activity is a special one. When all the parents come back to pick their kids up they will also be brought back this time around to the garden area where their kids are awaiting them. The parents will be given a set of question cards to ask their child, these questions are suited towards the plant they picked. Parent and child will sit across from each other with the plant pot in between them. The parent will then begin to ask their child the questions and they'll tally the points everytime the kid gets one right. Once their completed with the game the child who got the most points will get a gift card for the pizzaplex. All the kids will then be aloud to bring their plants home to care for.

The Faz-Learning Program: Gardening With Flower Child!
The Faz-Learning Program: Gardening With Flower Child!

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Madness, Murder, Dismay

Madness, murder, dismay

We will disappear at night.

With blood on the concrete-

I will be your ticket taker,

Come inside, it's a dream.

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Sum More Animatronic Art Because I'm On A ROLL

Sum more animatronic art because I'm on a ROLL

Deer In The Headlights

Deer in the headlights

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Just Plain Colors :)

Just plain colors :)

Been A While Since I've Drawn Theotis!

Been a while since I've drawn Theotis!

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3 years ago

From 2018 to 2021, yet ANOTHER FNaF OC!!

Everyone, meet the Roller Rink Darling, Jane Doe✨

(Signature included)

From 2018 To 2021, Yet ANOTHER FNaF OC!!

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1 year ago
Making My Own Animatronic. Yes, It Is Heavily Based On Sun And Moon And A Little Bit On Starlight From

Making my own animatronic. Yes, it is heavily based on Sun and Moon and a little bit on Starlight from Welcome to Dreamworld.

I want to make something based on Welcome to Dreamworld, and I would like you guys to give me tips for next animatronics to make.

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2 years ago

Little Patchwork dedication post,, I love their design sm

Little Patchwork Dedication Post,, I Love Their Design Sm
Little Patchwork Dedication Post,, I Love Their Design Sm
Little Patchwork Dedication Post,, I Love Their Design Sm

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1 year ago

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

(Place: Pizzaplex. 

Time: 1:37 am)

Moondrop can be seen patrolling the plex, looking out for any intruders that might have snuck inside. So far, there has been no sightings of anyone around, aside from the S.T.A.F.F. bots, the other animatronics roaming around and the security guard, Vanessa. The nighttime daycare attendant is still on high alert, not risking letting his guard down in case someone came in. It would have been boring if it wasn’t for his counterpart chatting his ear off.

Sundrop: And then- And then they drew me as a sunflower! It was soooo sweet!

Moondrop: That’s nice Sunny-

Moondrop cuts himself off as he hears a noise. It seemed to come from the vents. He narrows his eyes as he approaches the vent where the noise came from. Sundrop: Moony? What happened?

Moondrop: It appears we have an intruder...

Moondrop approached the vent, a creepy and sadistic smile on his face as he looked inside the vent only for his smile to fall and his face turn into a confused one. Inside the vent was a small creature, about 3 feet tall with fluffy brown hair, light gray skin and a little fang. The most odd thing about them was, while their upper body seemed to be slightly humanoid, their lower body was that of a spider’s and had four eyes! Four, very sad and scared looking blue and yellow eyes, the little creature on the verge of tears and was taking a few steps back from Moondrop.

Sundrop: Is that a child?! Moonyyyy, that’s a child!

Moondrop: I can see that Sun, they are right in front of me.

Moondrop looked at the kid, who had lowered themselves as if to try and hide from the taller animatronic. The kid looked ready to start crying if Moondrop even dared move a muscle. (Or metal limb, ya know what I mean!)

Moondrop: Sun, what do we do? They’ll start crying if I even move a limb.

Sundrop: Try and get them to come out! Be gentle!

The little spider was still staring at Moondrop as he spoke with Sundrop, still pretty scared. They flinched when Moondrop got on his knees to be at the child’s height.

Moondrop: Hey, it’s okay... I’m not going to hurt you...

The little spider was hesitant in trusting Moondrop, still staying low to the ground in fear. After a bit of persuasion, the child started crawling out of the vent and stood in front of the much taller animatronic. Moondrop noticed the child’s state, seeing their body all dirty, covered in dirt and webs, no doubt from staying in the vents. Why were they in the vents in the first place...?

Moondrop: You poor thing, you don’t look so good...

The child sat down in front of Moondrop, tilting their head a bit before getting closer and laying their head on his lap. Moondrop was pretty surprised and noticed just how tired and tensed the child was. He wondered, where did they come from? Where they supposed to be a new animatronic? If so, why do they look so dirty and abandoned...? Moondrop’s gaze softened as he caressed the child’s fluffy hair, the child leaning into the touch. The poor thing was so scared, it was heartbreaking...

Sundrop: AWW! They are so cute!

Moondrop: I know but please be quiet. They are trying to sleep.

Sundrop: Sorry!

Moondrop picked up the child in his arms. There was no way he was going to leave this child roaming the vents on their own. Not on his watch.

(It’s short but it still fucking killed me- Hope ya enjoyed tho! Might make another, don’t know yet!)

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3 years ago

Right... so yeah i made a FNAF oc for security breech and


They where designed around working in the day care centre first (I know ok... sue me) I was going to post this earlier but someone i know (and am not the biggest fan of) called me unoriginal and dissed the design I was making. shattered my confidence. but then i reminded myself.

Why should i care what bullies think :)

Right... So Yeah I Made A FNAF Oc For Security Breech And
Right... So Yeah I Made A FNAF Oc For Security Breech And
Right... So Yeah I Made A FNAF Oc For Security Breech And
Right... So Yeah I Made A FNAF Oc For Security Breech And
Right... So Yeah I Made A FNAF Oc For Security Breech And
Right... So Yeah I Made A FNAF Oc For Security Breech And

so i present Aurora. she was made after a sever incident involving Moondrop that led to one of the staff members being injured badly.

Afraid of any possible law suits involving children the higher ups had Aurora commissioned to take over Moondrop’s duties as the day cares nap time attendant. However not wanting to scrap the more popular Sundrop the kept him around, but closely supervised by staff.

Aurora, unlike Moon and Sun is just a single animatronic not two in one body, this made it easier to build her as they didn’t have to worry about split programming like they did with the other. She is programmed to be calming and none threatening to wards children and other patrons of the pizzaplex.

Her main duty was to assist during nap time, during which Sun is escorted out of the day care for a couple hours while the lights are off (for obvious reasons) she helps children calm down and settle for either naps or during emotional outbursts, with access to the pizzaplexus data base she can effectively know which child will need more attention than others, but she’ll try and help as many as she can.

She has several functions to help with this, her clothes are made of sort warm materials so that kids can hug her, sit and even lay on top of her with no worries of them getting hurt. There are also fibrotic lights laced under her dress that thanks so layers of iridescent fabrics make the outfit glow.

Another function she has is the ability to take and project imagines on walls, she uses this to make visual stories to help the children to settle. (I image she could use this to distract other animatronics, however the picture quality is poor so It wouldn’t work on animatronics with good eyes.)

She can also sing. Able to memorise and repeat most songs she hears Aurora sings lullabies to children who either ask for them or can’t settle down for their naps. In her spare time she sings to herself her favourite Fazbear bang songs, but she’s way too embarrassed to sing in front of the official members.

When it isn’t naptime she would help out in the day care with children who were too shy to go play with others or just didn’t like the over stimulating atmosphere of the day care.

Her relationship with sun is one of an older brother and caring little sister, in fact they often refer to the other as such when they are brought up in conversations.

Moon though, is a different story. She has only met him once and the following incident led to her almost being scrapped, thankfully though the maintenance crew was able to fix her up. However the event traumatized her enough she wants nothing else to do with her second brother.

(Another note, the last image is a design I had for Aurora’s own centre in the Pizzaplex, one much more calming and quiet for kids who aren’t all that into loud noises and overstimulating environments called Aurora’s Circle it would be made after she became more popular but not as much as Sun, hence why it’s so small. It also was made so that there was little to no chance of moon appearing during nap times as they would be held there)

I hope you all like this and remember don’t let other people crush your idea’s, share them just to spite others.

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7 months ago
She Walten On My File Til I-answer The Phone, Felix.

she Walten on my File til I- answer the phone, Felix.

WALTEN FILE OCS UNITEEE they drew my funny Curious Cat and therefore, they are now besties :)

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1 year ago

My FNAF OC, Diane Dragon!!!

My FNAF OC, Diane Dragon!!!
My FNAF OC, Diane Dragon!!!
My FNAF OC, Diane Dragon!!!
My FNAF OC, Diane Dragon!!!
My FNAF OC, Diane Dragon!!!
My FNAF OC, Diane Dragon!!!
My FNAF OC, Diane Dragon!!!
My FNAF OC, Diane Dragon!!!
My FNAF OC, Diane Dragon!!!

A little background on her, so she was originally from another restaurant, similar to Chica’s Party World, with this one having a fantasy theme, with Grey the Wolf, Batty the Bat, and Stanley the Unicorn. Diane was the dummer in the band and also was the fan favorite, she was added to the Fazbear crew when all the restaurants merged.

She is possessed, with the soul of Erin, who was part of the Missing Children’s Incident. A little info on Erin, she is one of the oldest in the group, and is one of the taller ones too. She is fairly tough and will stand and fight when needed.

In Security Breach, Diane is very easily distracted and has a very one track mind. She has an area in the Pizza Plex, called Diane’s Fantasy Fair, right next to west fazcade, which is a mini amusement park, with a zip line, a Farris wheel, carnival games, and a few small roller coasters. Like a dragon, she has small hoards of little items and trinkets she’s taken from areas like the gift shops, hidden everywhere from her room to the Fair. A change I made to the story is that Monty gets to keep his legs, since you use his claw upgrade, Diane’s legs are the upgrade, so she is now crawling. This gives Freddy a faster move speed, as well as a high jump to get into secret areas.

Where they are found (first 5 at least):

1: can come from either side

2: withered-right vent Toy: left vent

3: CAM 03

4:under the bed

SL: Funtime Auditorium on night 3 with Foxy

More information on each variant will be given in their individual posts, enjoy!!!

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Trust Me, This Is Very Old Art Of Mine, Its Of An Old Animatronic-sona, Very Cringey But I Feel Like

Trust me, this is very old art of mine, it’s of an old animatronic-sona, very cringey but I feel like this art really shows my progress as an artist, since all my current stuff is so much better. Remember young, old, new, and just artists, you will always improve if you keep on trying.

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