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Angel Dust is more of a gray area, though. He was born into a mafia family, and organised crime was all that he ever knew when he was alive. Say what you like, but it’s damn near impossible to break away from a criminal empire if you’re born into it, and you’ll probably be killed if you ever try to leave. Angel Dust was doomed from day one, and yet, when he’s taken away from his circumstances and given a place at the hotel, he’s shown to be capable of being a better person. Is he a good person? No, but he’s getting there.
As for Husk, I totally agree. He deserves no one’s sympathy when he used to be an overlord, and now has the nerve to whine about being owned by one when he used to own souls himself. It’d be different if he showed at least some regret or remorse, but nope, he’s just mad because he’s not an overlord anymore. Eat shit, pussycat.