Anti Infantilization - Tumblr Posts
I hate the infantilization of Beelzebub/Beel.
I hate how this fandom treats Beel like a innocent baby, HE ISN'T A BABY. Nor is he innocent. he knows about topics like sex, he is a grown ass demon. Yes, he cares about MC but saying that he is "so baby" for doing so is kinda fueling into the toxic mindset that men cannot be caring and loving without being perceived as weak and needing protection from an outside force all because they do the bare minimum for the ones they love. I've been in this fandom ever since Obey Me came out and I'm not only heavily uncomfortable but also immensely disappointed in the fandom for this infantilization that is sadly so normalized in fandoms (which, is also unnecessary to do especially since the ones they are doing it towards are grown adults who can fend for themselves and don't need any help traveling through life). He is shown to be able to show sexual desire, even when it is implied rather than outwardly expressed at times. As aforementioned, he is a grown ass man, he knows about sexual topics he is not a fucking dumbass. In fact, if you have ever read the manga or played the game, you would know he is quite smart despite people portraying him as the opposite. Don't say shit like "Stop Stereotypes" or something along those lines when you're the one fueling a mindset that is, by the name, set up to make men who are decent human beings look as if they're "weak" and/or "helpless." If not, and you continue to say it while babying grown ass adults, you're being a hypocrite by definition. So, Obey Me Fandom; Do better, stop treating Beelzebub as a "UwU Cinnamon roll who's so baby 🥺🥺🥺", he is a demon whom is on the strong side of things and can fully fend for himself and others if needed.
THANK YOUUUU!!!!!! Its good to find those in the fandom that have sense, and doesn’t infantilize them. I see it so much, that I avoid interacting with those that think that way, because they likely view the game in a different way than it was originally intended.
I understand some might want to pamper their favorite character, but they take it too far. These are grown demons, they lived thousands of years, they’ll know a lot more than MC. So, whenever I see people write about them being innocent to sex, I laugh and sigh in disappointment. In fact, MC would be the one who would be taught these things depending on how inexperienced they are.
It’s sad to see a game about demons, and dark content be subjugated to this censorship in fear that they might upset those who can’t handle these things. Then again those who can’t handle dark/adult themes shouldn’t be into OM, no wonder much of the game has turned into stereotypes of the characters.
But yeah, they take pampering WAY TOO far and I think that's what should be addressed especially since I was a victim of infantilization due people babying transfems and seeing a character be put through the same thing by the fandom is just so uncomfortable to see and even hear. Listen, I do say I want to pamper Gregory Violet from Black Butler but I'm still aware he is 18-19, has killed a man, and most certainly can fend for himself. Same goes for Satan, I love my green demon boy but he's still a grown ass adult 💀