Anti Ttpd - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Duuuuude TS fans are fucking crazy

You can go and say that TTPD is bad and give actual criticism about how shallow the lyrics are, how the lyrics say nothing, etc etc

And her fans will go "omg you're not smart enough to understand the complexity of her songs" or "omg you're obsessed with her, leave her alone"

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10 months ago

"you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me"

You wouldn't last an hour with my mother

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10 months ago

Bro I showed my friend some of TTPD song's and holy shit

She hated them

She says that they blend together and that made her think they were the same song

Bro I Showed My Friend Some Of TTPD Song's And Holy Shit
Bro I Showed My Friend Some Of TTPD Song's And Holy Shit

I showed her this and she said that Olivia's version is better

«Olivia's version is written better, Taylor's version seemed written by a 15 year old, it doesn't have that music-like rhythm, if you read Olivia's version you can read it better, you can understand it better It's more musical more "poetic", Taylor's version is just two stringed sentences»

And she also called Taylor a hypocrite

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9 months ago

"Something about a straight cis billionaire white woman calling herself a tortured poet in all seriousness and romaticising asylums/electroshock therapy makes me so so so uncomfortable."

Ntm the theme makes no sense whatsoever and it's a big fat spit on the graves of actually tortured poets and artists who suffered from medical abuse, poverty, emotional abuse, depression etc. I don't mean it in a "Most people in the world have it harder than u so shut up" way, but there's a line between saying you have a pretty shit personal life and a lot of struggles and saying you're a "tortured poet" because of said struggles

A sort of rant/review (mostly negative) of the tortured poets department:

English isn't my first language so apologising in advance for the mistakes <3

I don't think ttpd would've had so much criticism if it wasn't so hyped up by swifties and Taylor herself. Folklore and Evermore are my favourite albums and because Taylor put so much emphasis on how good the songwriting of this album is i thought i was going to love it. So my expectations were a more Lana del rey or the national kind of vibe, orchestral pop or psychedelic rock and it would be like a third sister to folklore and evermore. I've noticed that Taylor's albums are all starting to sound like midnights. 1989 is such a good pop album but 1989 tv sounds midnightified especially the vault tracks sound like they belong on midnights. As much as I love Jack Antonoff as he gave us some great albums i think Taylor desperately needs a new producer. I think the album is definitely "raw" in the sense that unlike the other albums that are super put together, in order and organised, ttpd is messy like a bunch of paragraphs from her notes app thrown together, it isn't essentially a bad thing, but if you're gonna talk about how ttpd required more song writing talent than any other album, it's pretty reasonable for people to be disappointed. I thought name was a reference to joe's group chat name and kind of poking fun at that, but oh no it's an actual fuking asylum and the whole idea makes me very uneasy. The reason why folklore and evermore work is because it's not from the perspective of Taylor but rather the people she's made up in her mind and because she is such a good story teller those albums sound awesome. Something about a straight cis billionaire white woman calling herself a tortured poet in all seriousness and romaticising asylums/electroshock therapy makes me so so so uncomfortable. I understand why swifties are so defensive and protective of Taylor, with all the shit that happened with Kim and Kanye but I feel like they think she's a god that can do no wrong, which is stupid you can like an artist but still call me them out their shitty decisions. The "oh you think her singing writing is not that good why don't you write something better" is such a stupid argument, this random person criticising Taylor isn't constantly referred to as the greatest song writer of our generation, she is. I saw a post saying "the biggest burn is that most songs are about Matty Healy and not Joe Alwyn" like excuse me but if my ex that I dated for many years just starts gushing over a slimy ass Nazi racist sexist pathetic excuse of a man, I'd go "thank god good riddance". What happened to "you are what you love" Taylor?. I really like some songs, but I keep getting disgusted when It clicks who they're about. "But daddy I love him" is a great song but it's about ratty Healy fuck off ew.

I have a lot more to say but my brain isn't braining so I'll update later lol

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