Anyone Wanna Reasonably Call Me Out On Any Mistakes Or Educate Me Go Ahead - Tumblr Posts
Not sure if it's a personal opinion but I'm certain that drawing female werewolves or snake people with any sort of humanoid tiddies is absolute bullshit. (Same with the male ones, but they rarely have their tits so strongly focused on.) Snakes don't even nurse their young at all they wouldn't need breasts anyway, and most mammals usually have between 8 and 10 nipples on their stomach for nursing their young.
Even if it's a well-endowed woman turning into a werewolf, if her anatomy changes so much as to turn her side-of-head ears into on-top-of-head wolf ears, her mouth into a snout and transform her limbs to be able to run comfortable on all fours, as well as give her inhuman strength and stamina (and potentially a thirst for blood), it can also change her human breasts to wolf breasts.
(Now if someone takes this as their calling to draw a wolfwoman with 8 overly big tiddies on her stomach, that is not on me. That is on the artist and they deserve full credit for this abomination of creative thought.)

Lady werewolves? Zombie werewolves? Fighting winter werewolves? Yes, please. FRESH ART: UNCENSORED VERSIONS & MORE STUFF ON MY PATREON:
the werewolf woman in the post is my OC Raha, the “double cursed woman“