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Hello!! Can I possibly get from Rockstar Freddy hc's? My man deserves more love than what he gets.
Btw I absolutely LOVE your hc's, they're amazing, and we'll thought about!! đź’śđź’ś
I’m glad you like and recognize how hard I work on my hc’s! It means a lot! I hope you enjoy even if the organization of this one is a bit all over the place.

I have a strong feeling this animatronic bear is a bit conceded
Not to mention how greedy he is
However he is a good singer!
He’s also good with many other instruments but singing is his specialty
It’s no secret that this guy likes his Faz Coins, and when he doesn’t get many/any throughout the day he tends to get grumpy
Can be a bit bossy when grumpy
Is oddly good at persuading others to do what he wants
Have a feeling he likes gaming, not too much but just as a little side hobby
Could possibly be why he likes collecting Faz Coins so much
He gives off short person vibes
Probably shorter than most of the other Freddy’s
Is often stuck cleaning up after others/dealing with the problems other animatronics cause
I feel like some kids get on his nerves but he’s good at hiding how annoyed he is during the day
Prefers older, more mature kids who aren’t nasty snot nosed brats
Stranger things Headcanons of the nasty flashback that Eleven's little sister of nine years old had of seeing a vaccination needle which reminded her of the times that "papa" forced her to take to make those powers stronger and..in horror and realisation..stabbed the vaccination needle using her powers straight in the nurse's neck because of it and she had a panic attack in the patient room in realisation of the murder that she didn't mean to commit and Eleven's reaction to hearing the scream of the nurse and ran to the patient room of her suffering a panic attack on the floor.
It had happened not too long ago while you and Eleven were still in Papa's facility
They had done various tests on you and Eleven daily
Since you were younger, you got the "easier" tests while Eleven got more difficult and inhumane ones
But as you got older apparently your abilities showed more and more potential everyday
You had to get a shot
You didn't really care what it was, all you knew was that you were not getting injected with some needle by those sketchy nurses
The guards had escorted you to a closed off room with a nurse holding what looked to be a very long needle filled with a mystery liquid
Your eyes widened and heart began to race as soon as you spotted it, and you began to back up, fighting with the guards refusing to go into the room
But those guards were physically stronger than you, and forced you into the room and shut the door, leaving you alone with the nurse
"It'll only pinch for a second." The nurse explained cornering you and bringing the needle closer, too close for comfort
In a panicked frenzy, your abilities acted before you could even think about what you were doing
The needle flew out of the nurses gloved hand, she let out a horrid scream as the needle flew towards her and into her throat
She gurgled up the blood, grabbing her throat and stumbled back into a wall before collapsing onto the floor
Your quick breathing became uncontrollable sobs, as you slowly fell to the floor
Seconds later the door had busted open, revealing a worried, wide eyed Eleven
Eleven wasted no time bringing you into her arms and trying her best to calm you
Hello! I hope you had a lovely 2021 — wishing you luck and giving you love for the new year! Might I get a matchup for Security Breach w a male character? Thank you so much (:
My pronouns are she/her. I’m a Leo sun (Scorpio moon & Capricorn rising if you’re familiar w the extended zodiac!), an ENTP, and my enneagram is 7w8. I’m not sure if you work w this kind of info for matchups but I figured I’d drop it just in case!!
I like to think I’m fairly social and extroverted — I have a hard time staying in one place for long periods of time. My spontaneousness is pretty prominent, making me prone to start projects I’ll never even begin to finish. Even so, my creativity is always flowing. Ideas come to me very easily! Thinking in the present is one of my most noticeable traits. I’m not without my other vices, however — for instance, I struggle deeply w hot flashes of anger. The tiniest things irk me, but without fail, I forgive and forget just as quickly. My value for my friends has lead me to some pretty intense rejection sensitivity. In that same vein, I’m rather competitive, but I’m equally as big of a sore loser. While realistic, I’m confident within myself and my abilities. My assertiveness is something I take great pride in — I love being a decision maker! Sensitivity, however, is not something im spared of. I’m very sentimental and a huge hopeless romantic, so I can be pretty sappy some days. I can also be very maternal if given the opportunity to soothe someone. I will willingly express my sappiness, but you best be surprised if I ever, willingly, allow myself to be sad or vulnerable around you. The only negative emotion I can express openly is anger ): that being said, I don’t get along well w other hotheads tbh. It’s a recipe for disaster. maternal/paternal people offset me as well- I have issues with being comforted. I think my mind correlates it with being perceived as weak
As for my interests, I’m an English major who absolutely loves to write and develop stories. I’m also heavily into all forms of horror media — video games, movies, you name it. However, two interests that really stand out are my love for singing and my love for astronomy/astrology. I’ve been singing ever since I could talk and it has since become my staple!! I dabble w the ukulele but my music strong-suit is def my voice. As for astronomy/astrology, I’ve also always loved space- my room is decked head to toe w space-themed post cards and zodiac tapestry. I’d say I’m a huge adrenaline junky — hence my need to always be doing something lol
My love language is definitely physical touch or quality time, but the language that makes me feel the most loved would have to be words of affirmation or acts of service!! It honestly depends on my mood of the day. As for a type, I like energy and fervor — someone who isn’t afraid to have fun, be silly, and match my energy. I can’t stand liars and ppl with an agenda to “fix” or “help” me. Nor can I stand other hot heads. I can be pretty patient in romance despite my spontaneous nature- I like to be a healer and a sturdy force for those who need a little extra stability!! In romance, I’m a bit of a flirt and a tease, but it’s all in good fun (as stated before, I’m a sappy hopeless romantic beneath any humor I show lol)
Alright!! I think that’s all — thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for the matchup! I hope you have an absolutely stellar 2022!! 💕
I match you with Glamrock Freddy!
Freddy adores how creative and spontaneous you are!
He is already fairly creative, but your creativity inspires him so much
Freddy is actually surprisingly good with people with anger issues, so he'll do his best to calm you or ask what he can do to help
Or he'll give you your space if needed
He is amazingly patient whenever you get angry
Freddy does his best to avoid competitive games/activities with you but whenever you two do competitive things he does his best to make sure you win(he will deny that he let you win tho) or for it to be a win/win on both sides
Dates at Roxy Raceway are definitely a thing
You'll make him very flustered anytime you are sappy/romantic/flirty towards him, it just melts his heart
He'd love to read your stories if you'd let him! Then he'll go on and on about what he likes about whatever you wrote
Karaoke nights with Freddy are literally the best, he finds your singing voice beautiful and he is not afraid to tell you
He constantly gives compliments and encouragement and is caught off guard if you do the same but he appreciates it so much
Shrek headcanons of when you (the ugly grey Swan who also lives in the swamp *you and Shrek never bothered each other since both you and him live in separate areas*) stand up for donkey when he was being bullied by Shrek...you never bothered the grumpy git but something told you that you should interfer and what Shrek yelled at Donkey was way out of line! You told Shrek that if he wanted Donkey to leave his house..there was absolutely no need to be a dick about it! You were not afraid of Shrek and you definitely did not back down from a fight...swans are known to be aggressive when threatened and you were extremely aggressive like hell. (You taught him a good lesson and Shrek actually begrudgingly apologised to Donkey for being rude to him).
How Donkey reacted when you defended him from bullying (it wasn't bullying though and Shrek had a right to privacy) and you told Donkey once you two were out of earshot from Shrek that Shrek was right though...he told him time and time again that Shrek wants his privacy and Donkey didn't take any consideration for that...
Shrek is caught extremely off guard, he didn't know you could even talk and here you were rightfully telling him off
You explained that you understood it was his house and that he wanted to be alone and unbothered by Donkey but that he didn't have to be so rude to someone who only showed him kindness and treated him like a normal person for once
He is taken aback and says something along the lines of how it's his swamp and he is the only one who has a say in who stays there then shamefully admits that he could have been nicer about it and aggressively apologizes to both you and Donkey before storming off into his house
Donkey is more than grateful and makes that very clear by talking your head off the rest of the night and thanking you for standing up for him
You earned a new best friend the moment you stuck up for him whether you like it to not :)