Arent I Brilliant At Romance Ha Ha - Tumblr Posts
❤ Dance With me
[2500+ words]
[He/him pronouns]
Description: You, Eret, and Dean go to the upcoming Aether festival. It turns out way more romantic than planned. (Eret x m!reader) (requested by @oofy-woofy and @djaynightmare )
[Read the rest under the cut]
There is something so exhilarating about doing something dangerous, especially when it's forbidden. And nothing fits that description more than your little rendevous with Eret.
You breathe a breathy little sigh at his name in your head. You know it goes against just about every rule book in the kingdom but at this point, you don't care. You love him, maybe you have for a while.
it's frightening to think about loving someone as important as Eret. It's a risk and right now you're the biggest gambler in the Greater Dream SMP.
But you're committed, enough to stand where you are right now, in King Eret's bedroom waiting to ask for him to meet your brother.
Dean is the only remaining family you have and even though you've had an occasional romp in the woods, none have ever met him. You've had crushes and relationships but none of them has made you feel this helplessly smitten as Eret has.
You startle as the door opens and as you whirl around you're faced with a gently smiling Eret, a tad bit confused but just as sweet as always. "My king..."
"Y/N," He smiles, bemused, "Is there a reason for this visit or are you just here to see me?"
"Ah," You awkwardly look down at your hands. It's weird that you're standing in a room you're so familiar with without armour, just plain clothes, it makes you feel so embarrassingly naked. "I do have a reason but I love seeing you no matter what."
"Such a flatterer," Eret smiles fondly, walking over to press a small kiss to the corner of your mouth. He cradles your jaw in his hands, brushing calloused thumbs over faintly scarred skin. "You're so beautiful, my dear."
"So are you," You mumble as you pull him closer, pressing your foreheads together. You've certainly gotten bolder as the weeks pass. Something about Eret just makes you want to be near him and you're not one to ignore your desires.
He smiles, pressing another light kiss to your lips he leans forward to press his forehead to your shoulder. "What do you need, my love?"
You take a deep breath in, trying to ignore the subtle shaking in your hands. "I... I would like you to meet my brother."
Eret pulls back and he's still smiling, which is a good sign. "Of course, why would I say no."
You sigh, relaxing forward and slumping into Eret. "Yeah, I don't know why I was worried. I mean, I've met your brother."
The prince was a little firecracker who was usually seen fighting with Eret more often than not. Recently he had run away and you're still not sure of all the details but Eret had been trying extremely hard to get all of you to get along. The prince was certainly blunt but he had been nice too and had every bit the good heart that Eret did.
"Where would you like to go, darling," Eret brushes his hands over your shoulder, tracing invisible lines on your clothes. "I'll take you anywhere, my love, even the moon."
You can't stop yourself from giggling, "You're too sweet, my Eret. No, I think we should aim somewhere closer to home. Dean can't go too far. Maybe we can take him to the festival happening soon."
"Ah, the Aether festival," Eret sighs dreamily. "I haven't been able to go in ages. There's a legend for this wonderful festival. Supposedly, at the final dance of the night, there will be a pair of fated lovers dancing who will have the light of the Aether shined upon them, deeming them soulmates to match the other perfectly."
"Supposedly?" You murmur softly. "Is it true?"
"It might be, maybe not. Unfortunately, there's no good fortune with the Aether Gods, we've not had their blessings in ages. A good chunk of funds has been allocated to this festival to try and be in their good graces." Eret shakes his head. "I'd rather ignore that religious mess. I've got a decent connection to Prime, Aether Gods are not my business to mess with."
You hum, twisting Eret's hair between your fingers gently. "Well, I think Dean would love to meet you anywhere. So," you pull him in by the waist, "If my Eret isn't too busy, we could cuddle."
Eret smiles, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I would love to, my darling."
Dean is more than nervous to see Eret, dragging his knuckles across his thigh and back up in a self-soothing motion. You've walked him through the rules more than three times but the nerves are still biting at your heels too.
"How long until we get there," Dean mutters softly, glancing out at the town wistfully. The carriage you're taking, courtesy of Eret, is beautiful and absolutely heavenly to sit in but Dean looks so sad at not being able to walk after being stuck in the hospital for so long.
"We're almost there, buddy, don't worry," You reach over and brush his hair back, lips quirking into a grin as his baby hair poof back up. "Are you nervous?"
"Are you kidding me? It's the King Eret, of course I'm nervous!" Dean smacks his lips together, looking out the window again. He takes a deep breath in, rehearsed. "Everything looks so pretty now..."
You pull yourself together, glancing out the window and feeling startled at how close you are to the town's centre. Eret should be waiting there for you, hidden in one way or another so that he could enjoy the night out without any guards. Well, any guards other than you, that is.
You fiddle with the bracelet Dean had made for you ages ago and you see him glance over. His face softens from the tense lines it had drawn itself into, a small dopey smile on his lips. "That's my bracelet."
"What, thought I wouldn't wear this amazingly fashionable piece of jewelry?" You laughed slightly, gently poking Dean's shoulder.
He grinned back at you. "You're such a loser."
"Pfft, this loser bagged the king," You jut your chin up, haughtiness pouring off you. "I don't see you dating a king."
"I could if I wanted to," Dean protests. He flaps his hands willy-nilly. "But I think girls are cooler."
"Fair is fair," You shrug with a smile. You lean back against the seat, head tilted to lean against Dean. "You're a great kid, Dean."
"I guess you're a decent brother," He mumbles back, leaning into you too. It's a considerably smoother ride along the carriage as you get closer to town square. Maybe you should remind Eret to work on the kingdom's pothole problem. "I love you."
"I love you too," You squeeze his hand gently before slowly standing. The carriage has already slowed enough that you're perfectly fine standing, coming to a stop right by Ms Nihachu's cafe. "Eret's supposed to meet up inside so I can get you a hot cocoa or something."
Dean gasps, rushing to stand. "Really? Did the doctor and dietician clear that?"
"Of course, I'm not dumb," You ruffle Dean's hair, feeling just as excited as he does.
"I haven't had cocoa in ages," He nearly squeals, practically pushing you out of the carriage. You help him down much nicer (bratty brothers are a pain) and he's just as quick to drag you to the cafe's door.
You don't have time to greet Ms Nihachu, who looks surprised to see you being dragged by a small and weak child, instead instantly being dragged to the open windows of deserts for Dean to browse. His face is practically pressed into the glass, eyes wide.
"How many can I have?" He askes, awed.
"For now, a hot cocoa and a light snack." You press him back to your side, smiling at his bright eyed stare. "Maybe later tonight you can try donuts. They're new from L'Manburg."
"Oh," Dean frowns for a second before shaking his head. He looks up at you, impressionable eyes that remind you exactly of your mother's. "Are they any good?"
"Yeah, L'Manburg's practically sweets central," You say, squeezing his shoulder softly. Dean nods, not hesitating to bounce on over to the counter where Ms Nihachu is watching you both.
"Hello dear, what would you like today," Ms Nihachu asks Dean, a bright smile on her face.
He looks back at you and you nod. "Can I please have a hot cocoa and uhm, those sweet looking bread. Right there."
"Of course. Anything else?" Niki turns to grab a tray before carefully picking up a white concha.
"Y/N, what'd you want?" Dean turns to you, eyes wide in a way you know means he won't let you go empty handed.
"Anything fine, Dede," You ruffle his hair fondly.
He scowls at you, still leaning into your palm. "Stop calling me that. He'll have the same."
"Hi Sir Y/N," Ms Nihachu smiles at the two of you, certainly amused at the one-sided argument. "Is this a new squire of yours? I can't remember you ever taking one before."
"Oh no, Dean here's my baby brother," You beam, excited to ramble about your brother to another person. Eret would never admit it but you definitely ramble about him far too often. "This is going to be his first Aether fesitval!"
Niki gasps for your implorement. "Really?"
You nod rapidly. "Yeah, I know! We've talked all about what this festival's gonna look like and I even asked permission to show off the drafts for the town square! It was all so exciting and I can't wait for him to see directly!"
"That sounds wonderful," Niki laughs. She hands you the bags, tutting carefully as Dean's hand grabs the hot cocoa. "Alright well have a good visit."
"Thank you, Ms Nihachu."
You settle down in a welcoming and comfy corner booth. Dean insists on sitting on the side with view of the door so that he can spot Eret first.
But you fail to realize it's horribly easy for both of you to get distracted and when someone's tapping on your shoulder, both members of the L/N family flounder over themselves.
"Eret!" You gasp, delighted and slightly embarrassed. You quickly swipe the drink from the top of your lip, hoping he didn't see it. "You're here!"
"Of course I am," He chuckles, sitting next to you. He gives Dean his best smile. "It's nice to finally meet you."
Dean nods rapidly, eyes flittering over Eret's looming stature. He looked back at you, wide-eyed and pleading. You try not to laugh too loud. "He's happy to meet you too, Eret."
And it's nothing if not the truth. Dean's practically saddled at Eret's side the entire time, and once he gets over his shyness, it's all question about Eret's time in the war and how many animals he must own. Hilariously enough, Eret manages to cajole Dean into his favourite talk about the best anima and gets throughly decimated by Dean's answer of Polar bear.
As Dean settles quietly next to you, tuckered out and nibbling on a glazed donut, you glance over at the center of the festival. The area is cleared off of tables and flattened with stone slabs to become a makeshift dance floor with no dips or grooves. Couples swing around to the bards melodic voices, onlookers stomping to the beat of the songs.
But the night was dark and maybe it was just you but being surrounded by strangers on every side only heightened your paranoia. Eret looks over, love playing on his lips as he looks at you in that special way. "Would it kill you to relax?"
"Probably," You reply on impulse. "Likely it would kill you too. That's rather the point."
Eret huffs like you told a funny joke, eyes scrunching up at the edges. "I'll risk it," he stood and in one fluid motion, held a hand out to you, curved in the perfect position for you to hold. "Dance with me."
You put your hand in his and it's like they meld together, fitting in that ever-perfect way that follows everything Eret seems to do or love. His fingers squeeze your hand once-twice-pause-once and you can't help yourself. You tip yourself forward and press a gentle kiss to pale pink lips. Eret smiles into it, a hand coming to hold your waist, gently holding you like you are everything precious in the world melded into one. You pull away, murmuring your words against his lips. "Alright,"
Eret leads you to the dance floor and holds you close even when the music demands a spin or a step back, his arms always wrap around you. It's not until a partner swap that he reluctantly let's you go, twirling you off to a bright young lady who steps on your toes once or twice. As you dance to your next partner, an grayed old man who chuckles as you spin him slowly, beams of moonlight, pure and silver, weave between pairs of dancers, brushing feet and tracing invisible lines in sand.
You turn to your next partner, a young woman who dances around you without touching, still smiling as she softly hip bumps you before you leave. The dazzling moonlight catches on your bracelet for a second, showing off the colours that Dean had woven into it for you. It dances up your arm as you are held in Eret's arms once again. He is cradled by the moonlight just as you are, cheeks glowing in silver and pink pureness. You can't help yourself from pulling him towards you and pressing your foreheads together. He is the most beautiful person you've ever seen and you take in the delicate features that build the man you love. Eret lips are curved in that ever perfect way and you catch them in a moment of blissful passion.
When you pull apart, it is only you and Eret held in the arms of the moon. The rest of the world is quiet, as if to let you simply breathe in each other. Eret looks up, face alight in wonder and adoration as well as realization. "The Aether's light..." he looks down at you and tears spring to his eyes. "My moonlight."
Your mouth widens into a wobbily "Oh". You look around at the star-struck citizens (part of you distantly realizes that Eret's hardly concealed cover was definitely blown) and then back at Eret. This time all the air gets knocked out of your lungs at the pure love that spreads from his curve of his eyes to the smile on his mouth, like it's feeding into you from where his fingertips press into your waist, like it's imprinted on you lips, painted a million shades of Eret.
You reach to hold his cheek, trying to imprint the same love into your loose wrist and love-love-loving cradle. His eyes flutter shut at the contact, pressed into your palm like it's his own personal Eden. You curl him towards you, lips next to his ear and whispher. "I think your cover is blown."
Eret's head tips back, eyes squeezed shut as he laughs.
[Hey hey hey! So it's been ages, truly far too long. Like two months or something. Anyways I am low-key on a roll rn, finishing a chp for distance yesterday and now this.]
[Honestly this has been in the workshop for months. I've just been struggling to write it. I had rewritten the start about 5 or 6 different times before I ended on the festival idea. I'm unsure if I'll continue this Eret series but it's truly been a delight writing it and I've fallen in love with all the characters, with a soft spot for Dean and Spencer. If I ever write about this again, they'll definitely have more screen time.]
[Anyways, I'm rambling. Personal update, about to do major tests soon, today was my sister's birthday and mine's in like 2 weeks, and honestly allergies are hitting me like a hard sack of shit. "Profesional" update/schedule is Requests: pt2 sss!eret, George x mreader, pt2 prince reader, and platonic philza x reader! It's also very likely that I'll be working on non-requests (expect the unexpected is all im saying) in between because I'm finding it easier to not be conformed to one-writing project right now so yeah, that's happening! Anyways, take care of yourself, hydrate and eat, sleep and make sure to talk to those you love. Even one good morning can be a small step!]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Tag list: @creatorofstars