Art Is Everywhere - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Because Even A Trip To The Car Wash On The Way Home (that Turned Out To Be In Vain, Because The Birds

Because even a trip to the car wash on the way home (that turned out to be in vain, because the birds in our neighborhood are immediately determined to use our SUV for target practice😩)becomes the impetus for a kinda surrealistic modern art exhibit…….yeah, art is indeed everywhere lol……Bon Jeudi, mes amis!

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7 years ago
No Great Artist Ever Sees Things As They Really Are. If He Did, He Would Cease To Be An Artist. Oscar

No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist. Oscar Wilde Art left in the face of what once was……I do believe that’s kinda cool…..especially considering where I found this one ;-). May you find art where you are today….Bon Mercredi, mes amis!

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7 years ago
You Can Understand Nothing About Art, Particularly Modern Art, If You Do Not Understand That Imagination

You can understand nothing about art, particularly modern art, if you do not understand that imagination is a value in itself. Milan Kundera Imagination is key…..I can’t imagine life without it;-). Joyeux Vendredi, mes amis!!

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7 years ago
When The Raindrops On The Windscreen Make Dappled Shadow Poetry On The Dash.well, Of Course, I Saw Art..may

When the raindrops on the windscreen make dappled shadow poetry on the dash….well, of course, I saw art…..may you find it in many & varied unexpected venues today…..Bon Lundi, mes amis!

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7 years ago
Another Modern Art Piece That Was Never Intended As Suchseems To Be My Weekend Dimanche,

Another modern art piece that was never intended as such…seems to be my weekend Dimanche, mes amis!

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7 years ago
The Public History Of Modern Art Is The Story Of Conventional People Not Knowing What They Are Dealing

The public history of modern art is the story of conventional people not knowing what they are dealing with. Golda Meir This view struck me as a modern art piece, though it obviously was never intended to be…yes, the twisty way my mind works can be a little off putting, but go there with me today, okay? Lol ;-) Bon Samedi, mes amis!

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7 years ago
Isnt This Exquisite? The Intricate Detail And Artistry Is Just Stunning, Like A Little God Gift On My

Isn’t this exquisite? The intricate detail and artistry is just stunning, like a little God gift on my way to the elevators from the parking garage @ Walter Reed….Bon Lundi, mes amis!

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7 years ago
Even The Tiniest Of Blooms Are Exquisite To The Eye That Is Willing To Notice Them.Bon Jeudi, Mes Amis!

Even the tiniest of blooms are exquisite to the eye that is willing to notice them….Bon Jeudi, mes amis!

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7 years ago
Thirty-nine Years Of My Life Had Passed Before I Understood That Clouds Were Not My Enemy; That They

Thirty-nine years of my life had passed before I understood that clouds were not my enemy; that they were beautiful, and that I needed them. I suppose this, for me, marked the beginning of wisdom. Life is short. Iimani David. Almost painterly clouds over the Severn River yesterday…getting stuck on the bridge in a traffic jam, this beautiful view was my “silver lining”…Joyeux Vendredi, mes amis!

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7 years ago
When The Clara, In Claras Closet, Brings It In Full Foodie Force, Turkey Taco Rice With Guacamole & Tomatoes,

When the Clara, In Clara’s Closet, brings it in full foodie force, turkey taco rice with guacamole & tomatoes, on paper plates-mind you, is elevated to a gourmet dining experience….thank you Clara, it was deliciously lovely❤️…Bon Lundi, mes amis!

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7 years ago
Like A Plank Of Driftwood Tossed On The Watery Main, Another Plank Encountered, Meets, Touches, Parts

Like a plank of driftwood Tossed on the watery main, Another plank encountered, Meets, touches, parts again; So tossed, and drifting ever, On life’s unresting sea, Men meet, and greet, and sever, Parting eternally.–Edwin Arnold. Joyeux Vendredi, Bon Samedi et Shabbat Shalom!

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