As Someone Else Pointed Out Please Contact People With Inactive Blogs!! - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

for anyone who can't find the setting, it's under your individual blog settings and seems to only be on desktop (last option)

Image of the Tumblr settings on my blog, saying the following:


"Hide tbmkit from people without an account
This blog will only be viewable to people that are logged into Tumblr and its submission form will only be available on mobile apps. Learn more. " This setting is ticked off.

"Discourage external searching of tbmkit
External search engines like Google or Yahoo will be discouraged from indexing your blog and showing it in search results. It is ultimately up to them to honor your request. Learn more. " This setting is ticked on.

"Exclude tbmkit from Tumblr search
Your blog will be hidden from Tumblr search results, and the in-blog search function will be disabled for everyone, including you. Learn more. " This setting is ticked on.

"Prevent third-party sharing for tbmkit
This option will prevent this blog's content from being shared with our licensed network of content and research partners, including those that train AI models. Learn more. " This setting is ticked on.
They Are Already Selling Data To Midjourney, And It's Very Likely Your Work Is Already Being Used To

They are already selling data to midjourney, and it's very likely your work is already being used to train their models because you have to OPT OUT of this, not opt in. Very scummy of them to roll this out unannounced.

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