Asano Gakushuu Fluff - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago


° asano gakushuu fluff alphabet °

wow can't believe I haven't done the clique tumblr x reader post ... alphabets ! anyway, karma vers coming hopefully later today if not tmmr : ]

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 Asano Gakushuu Fluff Alphabet
 Asano Gakushuu Fluff Alphabet
 Asano Gakushuu Fluff Alphabet
 Asano Gakushuu Fluff Alphabet
 Asano Gakushuu Fluff Alphabet

a - affection !

he'll get embarrassed in public if he tries in insinuate anything, but doesn't mind if you're the one initiating it !

although at home he turns into mush if you're soft with him constantly in both public and private.

b - best friend !

he's emotionally disconnected as he is with the virtuous five, so I honestly wouldn't expect much from shuu even if you're in a ‘ best ’ friend phase ??

c - cuddles !

when you're both laying down to take a nap, or just going to bed he usually turns into a cuddle bug- don't tell anybody but hes the small spoon…!

d - domestic !

he would certainly prefer to have a life like that ! doing mundane tasks like cooking always makes him feel fuzzy if he's doing it with you or doing it for you- makes him think of the future with you if he's doing all of this stuff in his junior high years now

e - ending !

he just feels embarrassed cause like ?? probably overthinks on what went wrong and how he could have fixed it even if hes the one that broke up the relationship !

wouldn't be surprised if he still loved you, that he tried getting you back with an overabundance of gifts, sweets, n’ florals…with his dad’s credit card !

f - fiance !

most likely used a family heirloom from his mother's side to propose to you ! maybe a bit more than a few years he would actually ask you to marry him since his nerd ass would think of every probability of what the aftermath would be

g - gentle !

he's certainly learned from his father to not follow in his footsteps of ‘ affection ’, at least that's what his therapist during college said !

h - hugs !

much more tighter grip than you expect him to have when hugging onto you, unless you're both just lying in bed together. then it'll be looser !

i - ‘ i love you ' !

he'll wait for you to tell him that you love him first, hes worried that if he says it first that it'll be too early to say it

j - jealousy !

I kinda hc him being more on the socially unaware side bc of gakuhou so I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't take the cues that someone was flirting with you blatantly infront of him ??

k - kisses !

even if he's socially unaware of most things- he probably expected tongue on the first kiss from less than appropriate books he found in his dad's book shelf and was surprised feeling ur mouth closed pressing against his slightly agaped mouth

do u guys know the image im referencing….

l - little ones !

he's good with little munchkins, and would have more of an opinion on having them w / you if the two of you weren't in junior high ! come back to him on the topic late high school, or somewhat early college freshman year !

he would want to have only one or two, possibly a few years after college than right after graduating

m - morning !

if you're not a morning person then its game OVER cause we know hes waking up at ungodly hours to just make a simple bento, although he usually tries to put you back to sleep if you start to stir awake because of him

n - night !

he's the type of guy to read before bed, and I wouldn't doubt he would read whatever book hes currently reading to you before sleeping into the morning

o - open !

he's an emotionally constipated person, so it'll take a while even during the relationship for him to realize it's alright to express himself more freely than the persona he acts out as the junior high's student president

p - patience !

if you guys read the koro-tans then you'll probably get what I mean ?? he's most likely relaxed during a debate until the point hes red in the face just arguing nonsense back n’ forth if it continues

although that's when his patience snaps ! other than that, he's esp relaxed for his significant other

q - quizzes !

he's impressingly great at remembering small details about you ! koyama at some point is stumped with gakushuu’s excellent memorization of you as a person and as his partner

r - remember !

introducing you to his parents surprisingly, it was memorable for the fact that his parents had gotten along so well with you !

he had slightly anticipated for his father to nitpick you subtly- he hadn't, which gave poor shuu relief

s - security !

he usually has the virtuous five do the dirty work than himself to allow him to stick beside you, although if it's just him n’ you then he'll just drag the both of you off to either his house or yours

t - try !

anything you could ask for until gakuhou notices the charges on his credit card ! then nothing would actually change other than the fact its with his own allowance money

he's grounded for a few weeks for not telling him first

u - ugly !

a little egotistical and somewhat judgemental ? like yeah hes working on it esp after getting into a relationship ( you ) but there's still moments he'll make a somewhat snarky comment hurting your feelings

v - vanity !

he's not concerned at all ! he's aware of his looks being slightly praised by most. but does feel kinda awkward and embarrassed if you point out the outnumbered characteristics he shares with gakuhou than his mother

w - whole !

he tries to act like it wouldn't affect him but most likely ends up slightly attached emotionally to you from ur naturally kind nature ?

x - xtra !

listen to me here. I wouldn't doubt his dad limited any intake of sweets- cough cough basically nothing. so like if u bake ?? he's probably gonna ask you if you could make some pastries for him !

y - yuck !

someone who he considers a splitting image of his father- controlling, cold, whatever ! he just finds it icky and a yucky reminder of his dad so he tends to stray away from people like that when he notices the signs of those characteristics

z - zzz !

wouldn't be surprised if he unintentionally nabbed his dad's poor sleeping habits, aka sleeping for maybe a few hours just to wake up and take a walk rq !

going to bed however, usually coddles ur figure until you're completely knocked out !

 Asano Gakushuu Fluff Alphabet

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