Asian Jock - Tumblr Posts

Love the cocky confidence.
A beautiful muscle stud. I'm in awe.
So gorgeous. I can stare at that body all day long.

Sexy young stud drawing you in with his powerful body.

Total hunk alert, dominating with his masculinity.

By request 😉
You'd always been skinny for your age, but recently you'd been trying to bulk up. There was a cute Asian girl you liked, and even though you'd brought her flowers and taken her on a few dates, you weren't sure if she was interested in you. You knew her family was pretty traditional and preferred she dated Asian guys- her three other sisters were dating huge, ripped Asian dudes- so you thought working out might make up for it. You didn't want to hound or bother her- you weren't a fuckboy like that.
You ran into her older brother one day at the gym.

You got to talking and he offered to start giving you some pointers and training you. You accepted- his body was awesome, after all. He was kind of an annoying douchebro- all he talked about was lifting, not being a pussy, getting pussy- all kinds of dumb disrespectful stuff. You never understood how guys like this always had girlfriends- but you saw pretty good gains with his help over a few weeks so you kept at it.
One day after you were done he invited you to grab some food. You stopped at a dumplings spot next to the gym. He said he knew the owner so you guys got to eat for free. That was cool. He ordered and asked for extra sauce. It was almost like he'd nodded his head over at you when he asked.
You dug in, exhausted from your workout. The dumplings tasted great, and the sauce was amazing too. The more you ate it, the more you wanted it. You finished it after eating only two or three dumplings and asked for more. He just smirked at you, and bought another two over which you quickly devoured. You had so much energy suddenly, like your body was pulsating with it.
"Dude, do you wanna hit the gym again? Just a few extra reps," you asked.
"I think that sounds like a great idea man."
You walked back in and it was odd- it seemed like everything had shrunk a little. You didn't realize it was because some things about you were slowly changing after your meal- like how you were slowly getting taller, thicker, dumber, and how your features were changing- skin becoming more bronzed- hair thinner and shorter- your mind was on one thing- lifting. You started on the cable machine. The usual weight you did was suddenly very light to you.
"Because that's some pussy lightweight shit," you said with a chuckle.
"Wait- why did I think that?"
Before you could think about it more he nodded at you, increasing the weight. "Just start lifting bro. This is gonna be the best workout of your life Brett."
"Fuck yeah man," you said, getting to work. Something felt different about this workout- like you could feel every muscle pulsing and swelling. You grunted, sweat leaking from your pits. Every pump accelerated the changes. Your features became more Asian as your body became more ripped. Everything got even smaller as you got bigger, taller, broader. Your hair grew longer in some spots, receded in others, turning into a nice fade. Part of you was registering the changes, confused, trying to hold on to your old self- but your mind was changing as quickly as your body, telling you you looked better this way, that this was how you'd always been. Lifting. Eating. Hanging with your bros. Fucking. That was your life. The old you was slowly being erased, replaced by an Asian muscle fuckboy- and you couldn't stop it, you didn't even want to stop it.
"Looking good bro," he said in front of you proudly after your first set, leading you over to the mirror. A ripped Asian guy was staring back at you. You were almost confused, but this was who you were- you'd always been this way. You'd spent hours building this body, bruh. Tons of lat raises and pressed for these capped shoulders, hundreds of bench presses and curls to get these defined, bulging pecs and arms. Memories of all the years in the gym filled you. "That sauce gives a great pump, doesn't it? Let's go do the next set and make this official, Peng."
"Fuck yeah bro," you said dumbly, responding to your new name- wait, new? No, this had always been your name. More memories overwrote everything that had been Brett. You were Peng, the ripped Asian fuckboy. You'd always been Peng. You loved being Peng, you thought as you strode over on your big, powerful legs and grabbed the cables again, lifting the full stack with ease now.
Whoever Brett was, he was weak. Peng was strong- a hulking virile beast. Why would you even want to be Brett? You felt the veins popping in your neck, felt the sense of masculine superiority that came with being the alpha that Peng was. Sweat started leaking out of you again, and what was left of Brett trickled out with it, leaking out of your pits and onto the gym floor. The transformation was complete. You were Peng now, and Peng loved getting some good pussy right after a workout. Sliding your huge Asian cock into a bitch was all you could think of. Your cock and balls had swelled along with you, pumping out ten times the amount of testosterone they had before. You'd be fucking a lot more now.
He led you back over to the mirror, inspecting you. "The best one yet. Now you'll be perfect for my sister. Lets head home, bruh," he said.
You got to his house and his sister didn't even recognize you. She had no idea you used to be Brett= you were just Peng, now. That was all you'd ever been. She played coy at first, but by the end of the night, she was wrapped around your dick, grinding against it dutifully while you lay sprawled out on her bed with your big arms stretched overhead, showing off your biceps and shoulders. You smiled cockily as her moans filled the room and her long, painted nails dug into you. She had been your dream girl- you'd felt lucky that she'd even looked at you before- and now she was bouncing on your cock, begging you to cum in her as she climaxed over and over again.
Damn, it was good to be a man.
Who's gonna let this jock pup tackle them 😈

Who's getting pinned under this pup 🤼