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Hey Canada, what do think about Alberta's opinions on rats

In 1950, the norway rat was found in Alberta for the first time. The government established a rat control program to keep the vermin out of the province and ever since, Alberta has been a rat-free zone.
"Although aware of the economic destruction caused by rats, provincial authorities were initially concerned that rats might spread plague throughout Alberta. Consequently, the Alberta government decided to halt, or at least slow, the spread of rats into Alberta In 1950"
The rat was brought from Europe to north america by the eastern coast and spreaded across North America as it became more settled and farms were built closer to each other. Due to its dependency on human activity and infrastructures, the rat cannot survive in natural areas. Thanks to Alberta’s natural anti-rat defenses, he only has to focus on one area to keep the animal out of his home

If they can't enter Alberta by land, they can still break in through means of transportation like trucks or planes.
Also, because they are so rare in Alberta, it can be a challenge to identify a rat when most Albertans have never seen one. "Of 408 reports received [in 2022], 27 turned out to be rats"

Alberta's rat control program costs less than 400k, but it is estimated to save the province tens of millions of dollars annually in potential infrastrucure damage and crops.

( Sources: 1 2 )