Askmeanything - Tumblr Posts
Haha nah I don't think it would make anything awkward. I just gotta try to get these here glasses off 😎 🕶🤏 😎... 👀 wtf how did they spawn back.
So obviously gotta ask the follow up question after all the food ones! Do you like to cook ? And do you prefer baking to cooking other stuff ?
haha i definitely like baking more! cookings a staple though for sure
so fun and funny it was you!! have such an amazing night :) 💕💕
Sooo something about me that relates to scary stories. Me and my friend created a story about a bridge being haunted and told a bunch of people at our schools on the bus ride home. And about two years later I had someone tell me the exact story I made up. But by then they were treating it as an urban legend 😂.
hahaha that’s wild! you know what, from a paranormal perspective, if you assume spirits are around everyone and everywhere, what might have fueled a story about it - even when made up - is someone’s own personal haunting experience! that would just make them believe or project anything they heard. It’s meta so if you’re anyone reading this and don’t click with what I said make sure you do actually understand it
But anyways gosh thank you! Everyone keep stuff coming 🤣
I know where the story originates and what I based it off of too. That's why it was so funny to me that people didn't catch it. That it was literally just Eminem's song Stan with a twist and some sad stuff added on. Because the whole story was of a women who drove off a bridge with her kid in the back waiting to surprise her when she opened the trunk. But because she ended up off the bridge into a river the kid drowned and now when a mother stands by the bridge or drives past at a certain time you can hear little cries from the center of the river. But I guess because it was so vague, the story easily resonated and was easy to remember and pass on. But even now I hear people call that bridge crybaby bridge in passing 😂.
It also helps that my area is known for a lot of haunted places already soo one more story could be easily believed slipped in and gained it's own power. Do you believe strongly in paranormal things ?
lmao me and my friends used to listen to that song! I actually did a lot, so that’s cool lol
and oh yeah that makes sense, if a place or area already has spiritual phenomenon or a person has attachments then the vibe makes people’s third eye where ever it’s developed “feel” it and connect the story, potentially. And of course there’s just fun or funny lore and fans of something 😄 jusst good old wanting to believe haha, cool and funny memorable story!! keep em comin :)
Actually time to add to the urban legend spook! 👻 if ya dare to believe, that song has randomly been in my head for like a week or two!
I know where the story originates and what I based it off of too. That's why it was so funny to me that people didn't catch it. That it was literally just Eminem's song Stan with a twist and some sad stuff added on. Because the whole story was of a women who drove off a bridge with her kid in the back waiting to surprise her when she opened the trunk. But because she ended up off the bridge into a river the kid drowned and now when a mother stands by the bridge or drives past at a certain time you can hear little cries from the center of the river. But I guess because it was so vague, the story easily resonated and was easy to remember and pass on. But even now I hear people call that bridge crybaby bridge in passing 😂.
It also helps that my area is known for a lot of haunted places already soo one more story could be easily believed slipped in and gained it's own power. Do you believe strongly in paranormal things ?
lmao me and my friends used to listen to that song! I actually did a lot, so that’s cool lol
and oh yeah that makes sense, if a place or area already has spiritual phenomenon or a person has attachments then the vibe makes people’s third eye where ever it’s developed “feel” it and connect the story, potentially. And of course there’s just fun or funny lore and fans of something 😄 jusst good old wanting to believe haha, cool and funny memorable story!! keep em comin :)
Ooo so do you have any crazy or spooky stories that have happened to you before ?
stuff so wild you wouldn’t believe it! i was working the paranormal spiritual field!
Ooo that sounds awesome! What did you do in that field ?
kind of just investigated around but i specifically did spiritual being trance channelings. there was stuff with portals, orbs, possession. my disclaimer of caution is here but very cool!
What was your epiphany?
about the simple ebbs and flows about girls vs boys and liking someone or not
What was your scariest experience with paranormal stuff ?
I hope the start of your day has been good! 😊
oh I’ve had so many scares at this point lol. probably the moment I realized how serious it all can be
1) when there’s a portal like a door that you realize if somethings going on or if something follows you or attaches to you, you’re literally fucked until further notice lol like animals running in a home or intruders
2) when i realized spirits can and do change other people’s behavior when they’re around and it’s like you’ve witnessed someone like poof for a sec (so possession)
3) the way intelligent entities can meddle in lives and haunt people you know or loved ones and be passed from people to people like a virus or something lol
4) energy vampirism or ways that spirits can like put people under trances or hypnotism states i guess? Kind of like possession but different, i could go on and on about it but kind of like just doing wild stuff. The based on true story things can be totally accurate in my opinion
And oh!! Pretending to be deceased people and loved ones when they’re intelligent
I did such a bad job at my ghost story thingy I’m sorry I’m eating and explained it more analytically 🤣😭 I hope your days been wonderful! Hugs!!
✨️This is to celebrate your accomplishments with you. Tell us 3 things you've gotten done the last few weeks that you're proud of and send this to 3 other tumblr users. It doesn't have to be incredible. Just something you are relieved you've done. ✨️
💙💙💙 ilysm!
1) got back out and exercised after all the cloudy rain and crazy hurricane storms
2) cleaned and picked up and organized a good bit! and actually got really good rest for the first time in a really long time
3) and a lot of really good writing
You are gorgeous, cute, wonderful, sexy, beautiful and I love you 💜
Oh my gosh i needed that!!
I love you because you’re sweet and beautiful and have such a cool look and vibe. 💚
You are absolutely adorable. Just looking at you brings so much warmth and comfort, you seem like you would be such a joy to be around ❤️
You are lovely… Thank You!!! i’ll remember this one :)
You said you do writing! What kind of writing do you like to do?
just a writer by heart and early days haha. really anything but lately I’ve just been journaling and getting my head together and thoughts in order, it was much needed!
4. 18. 36.
thanks for asking!
1. Coffee or tea? - tea when im being healthy or need to relax but im a coffee addict and love making it taste good with stuff lol
4. Dresses or skirts? - right now dresses! Used to always be skirts
18. Cake or pie? - obsessed with custard and cream creme pies but maybe cake? i think cake
36. Crushed ice or cubed ice? - cubed is more classic but i have a crushed ice thing too lol
Hey!! How's your weekend been ?
hey! It’s been weird but okay and good! haha. Adjusting to fall and a new groove. how’s yours? hopefully good too!! 💜
Send this to all your favourite moots and pass the pumpkin round! KEEP THE PUMPKIN TRAIN GOING 🎃🖤🎃🖤🎃
Wooh heck yeah! lol 🖤🧡🎃🎃
Hi this is a love chain send it to your tumblr crush ♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡
Ily! 🥰