Attempting Writer - Tumblr Posts
The beginning
Here's something random that I had to write it was supposed to be 500 words but mine was like 600 or summit. its probably really bad and noting to the level of artistry that's on this app but I thought why post it and see if people actually like it . so I hope you enjoy it and if anybody has some constructive criticism that would be greatly appreciated.
During the first stage of child development from birth to eight years old are fundamental to their progress as people in general. You should except some socio-emotional development in the first year. From 3-5 gross fine motor skills are beginning their development. It is essential for guardians to give the child not only basic needs but also emotional ones as it aids their development.
It should be noted that by no means am I a licenced child therapist neither have a taken a psychology class (or gone to therapy). What I am is attentive. Being hyperaware of everything due to a desperate need to be in control leads to an affinity for perfection. That does come in handy. Specially in my line of work. As I've been told by multiple tests and scholars is that I'm ‘unique’ ‘special’ ‘one of a kind’ and a plethora more in a desperate attempt to verbalise my intelligence. For a while it was nice to be noticed to finally be seen especially after years of neglect- which had an exponential impact on my socio- emotional development. However, despite that fact my intelligence became my personal tormentor. My parents saw this as a business opportunity, a way to make more profit. Therefore, at the humble age of eight I was enrolled into ECHO- Extraordinary children's honing organisation. I skipped the entirety of primary and high school by simply taking a test. To give credit where its due the test was 12 hours long and included collage level math, English and science. They disvalue the arts. So, I spent my middle childhood and adolescence developing skills that have created some of the most ground breaking discoveries in the scientific field. Earning my parents, a ridiculous amount of money and some in a locked bank till I turned 18. I solved unsolvable problems. Created answers to things that didn’t have one. My mind is an unstoppable force that decimates anything in its path. I was a walking god. A god. But my god was it lonely. I was so alone. When you have no one to compete with simultaneously you're being used as a puppet of creation it can almost feel like you're the only person in the world who has no one at all. Leading me to my previous position. Standing on the top of a building deciding whether I'm going to jump or not. Despite what you're thinking I'm not completely suicidal maybe a little bit not completely. I just wanted to be free like the birds in the sky. I sometimes wonder what it's like to be flying and that’s all the motivation I need. I can finally be in control of my own destiny. Maybe in some alternate universe there was a way another way but this is the one I decide to take.
‘To correct myself would've taken if you hadn't rudely interrupted me.’
‘Well, I'm sorry for saving your life I just couldn’t stand by and watch someone kill themselves.’ The stranger commented with a sarcasm laced in her voice.
‘what's your name anyways' The stranger asked
‘That’s on a need know basis. What's yours’
‘Alyisa, and I have a feeling that were gonna be friends. Now instead of killing yourself wanna get Some food’
‘Your first good idea lets go. And by the way my name is Imogen, Imogen evens’
Alyisa looked at the girl properly for the first time. She had smooth brown skin and curly hair accompanied with a smug smile. She replied with a smile of her own ‘well then it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance Imogen’