Austin Osman Spare - Tumblr Posts

“The Process of Stealing the Fire from Heaven” by Austin Osman Spare (AOS).

"As to the roaming of sages, They move in utter emptiness, Let their minds meander in the great nothingness; They run beyond convention And go through where there is no gateway. They listen to the soundless And look at the formless, They are not constrained by society. And not bound to its custom."
- Lao-Tzu
"Nature teaches equal significance of all things: the blade of grass, the dead God or alive sow, all are of the same earthly worth. Of supernal value is your service of remaking self in unlikenesses of yourself.”
- Austin Osman Spare, The Logomachy of Zos, aphorism 178
“Who may know their complete likeness, when so much is being hidden. The Astrals, Elementals, Mind, and Soul. We realise something of the body’s mechanism and of the affectiveness of the whole; at its interrelations we may only guess. Every fact gleaned shows us merely greater ignorance of ourselves. Therefore, speak not of God, speak for yourself alone, for when you know yourself you will know your Gods.”
Austin Osman Spare 1886-1956

“‘There is more truth in our erotic zones than in the whole of religions and mathematics,’ wrote the English artist Austin O. Spare…”
— from the Aquarius horoscope, Freewill Astrology, week of Aug. 29th, 2013 (via covertlyandbysnatches)
Honestly, I feel like I was not productiv today, but at the same time I do? It is a weird feeling. Anyways: Todays topic was Chaos Magick. Even though I am not at all focusing on the 19th-20th century it is interesting to take a look at later forms of magical believes. That timeperiod in particular is interesting, since psychoanalysis became a thing, what also shaped the view on magic itself.
Key figure for CM was Austin Osman Spare, who was a "critic" (that might be a far to nice word) of Freud, Jung but also Crowley. His philosphy/religious view mainly focused around the Idea of KAI as the unfiltered source energy of all. All in the sense of literally everything as one conected being and us as humans as part of that one thing. ZOS is more or less the lack (?) of KAI or having it blured by something like the ego. To reconect to KAI Sigil Magick is used as a tool.
For more Information I recomend Angela Puca's talk about Chaos Magick at Witchfest. Justin Sledge did a good video on the topic as well.