Ava King Mango - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

What would've happened if victim met Mango before Gold died?

What Would've Happened If Victim Met Mango Before Gold Died?

i think it's pretty likely that King would have adopted them into his family! especially since Victim clearly hasn't had a family for a while-- or ever, as he discovers when he realizes they're manmade. i think they'd just call vic grey more than likely since i doubt they provide any sort of name initially

What Would've Happened If Victim Met Mango Before Gold Died?
What Would've Happened If Victim Met Mango Before Gold Died?

gold and victim would get along pretty well since i imagine gold talks enough for the both of them and loves showing people things. they're pretty quick to become friends and king is very relieved that the kids are getting along.

Eventually, though, Gold does die to Minecraft... but the only issue with that is that King probably wouldn't go on a rampage the same way he did before, which means that they'd never meet Purple or the others. It's probably better for King and Vic, but Purple would probably have to keep living on the Mac-- or in the case that was temporary, a much worse scenario-- go to their dad.

(rb > likes)

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6 months ago

The AvA crew are masters of body language

It might seem obvious, given how emotional the stories are despite being told with characters that don't have facial expressions or dialogue, but I never realized just how incredible the body language is in these animations until a recent rewatch with a friend (@butchpeabody) who really pointed it out and emphasized it to me.

I want to talk about it a bit using what may be my favorite scene across the entire series, that being the scene of King in the void during the climax of Season 3.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

Even after the point in the story where we learned his sympathetic backstory, King is a character that lives up to his crown by being a villain of imposing presence and even an appreciation for finery. But after the moment where he cracks and tries to save Purple in the middle of a full-blown PTSD attack, this is the very next scene we see of him. He's haggard, hunched over, walking listlessly with none of the intimidation or class we've gotten used to seeing from him. For an antagonist defined by his determination and refusal to stop or slow down for even a moment, this is already striking even before he finds the memory of his house.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

It's an incredibly subtle thing that lasts less than a second, but I love how he has to duck his head down to fit under the doorway due to his crown. It's symbolic of something important: this place was once his home, but now that he's finally returning to it with his descent into obsessive villainy completed, it feels alien and uncomfortable. He's no longer the man that lived here as long as that crown sits on his head.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

The first thing in this entire scene that gets some spark of emotion out of him and breaks his listless walk is the chalk appearing on the wall.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

And when that vision continues, reminding him of how this alien world took his child away from him, he doesn't move. His lack of reaction IS a reaction; you can imagine the stony look on his face as he silently agrees with his past actions to destroy an entire universe just to get revenge for Gold.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

But then that finally changes when he sees all of the living beings that the drawing of himself is hurting. His head raises in shock, and you can imagine his eyes widening as he has to grapple with his actions for the first time. The moment his empathy cracks through, that crown is completely off-screen, reminding us of the caring man smothered underneath it.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

And then, Gold appears. It makes sense that seeing the child he lost enter the vision gets the biggest reaction out of him yet...

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

...and that reaction gets even bigger when he sees what "King" is doing to his child's memory.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

For the first time since he started on his revenge quest, his composure shatters. He starts beating on the wall, desperate to make the vision stop, to undo all of the harm he's caused, to take back all of the mistakes he's made wielding his memory of his child like a cudgel. He only becomes ever more frantic and desperate when Gold turns into Purple, and it fully sinks in for him that he's become the evil force he imagined in his head just to have something to take revenge on. He never wanted to cause anybody the same pain he went through, but not only did he dehumanize all the residents of this universe in his mind, his endless rage has even started hurting people that come from the same dimension as him.

The imagery of King desperately beating on a wall with everything he has is absolutely vital to this episode; it shows up twice in his backstory, and for the third and final time here. The first time, it represents how he couldn't save Gold. The second time, it represents how pointless his mission to avenge them is.

But the third time is different.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

Because the third time...

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

The wall finally breaks.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

You can see him standing there in shock. He expected it to be just as indestructible as every other time, expected his struggle to be just as futile as always. Because that's always been King's fatal flaw: short-sightedness. An inability to consider "And then what?", or to look at what he's doing and ask himself if it's worth it, or to think of something better he could do.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

But when he raises his head and looks, he finally gets it. Now, the wall is breakable - because he does have something better he can do with himself.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

It takes a second for him to get over his shock and put it all together, but once he does, he's not walking anymore. He's running like his life depends on it.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

Purple's screentime in this scene is much shorter, but it's no less impactful or brilliant in its execution. They raise their head as they hear footsteps, but just like King seeing a false vision meant to show him the truth, Purple doesn't see him running at them - they see Indigo.

They stand up, but it's just as slow as how King walked earlier. They don't care that Indigo is back, not really - they've moved on from how their parent abandoned them. But they still care enough to stand up to find out what the hell Indigo wants.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

At first, Purple almost seems like they expect to be attacked and hurt again. In which case, it's extremely powerful that they don't move to defend themself...

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

...and even moreso that because of that split-second vulnerability, King is able to practically tackle-hug them unimpeded.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

Again, purely through body language, you can see so clearly how Purple has absolutely no idea how to react. Being held so tightly by someone who cares about them so much is something they haven't experienced in years.

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

But just as King can let go of his painful past to make a better life in the present...

The AvA Crew Are Masters Of Body Language

So can Purple.

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4 months ago

some actually legit stuff that I found in my old sketchbook

Some Actually Legit Stuff That I Found In My Old Sketchbook
Some Actually Legit Stuff That I Found In My Old Sketchbook
Some Actually Legit Stuff That I Found In My Old Sketchbook

Also bonus, this funny shit I laughed at for 10 minutes

Some Actually Legit Stuff That I Found In My Old Sketchbook

The proportions suck so much oh God

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