Avatar 2009 Headcanons - Tumblr Posts
AVATAR : WAY OF WATER headcanons

Spider has ptsd or some kind of fear of Neytiri after she threatened his life and regrets getting so attached to the Sully family. I have no doubt Kiri and Neytiri have a strained relationship now over how she treated Spider.
Spider is allowed in the Metkyina villages but rarely ever gets acknowledged and when it happens its about him being unwelcome
I don't think Neytiri hates all humans and is mainly wary of most of them, but hates Spider in particular because he is the son of the man who led the assault on her home and murdered her father plus a lot of her people.
Aonung still teases Lo'ak and Kiri but never takes it too far like he use to, same with Rotxo. They all hang out a lot along with Tsireya and some other Metkyina members their age.
Tsireya talks to her spirit sister over Lo'ak and her spirit sister laughs at her for falling in love with such a dumbass, Payakan called Lo'ak an idiot for so long when he refused to outright confess, both tulkuns ended up gossiping in secret.
Tuk likes collecting seashells and building little homes for small creatures in the reef
Kiri lays face down in the sand a lot and it concerns everybody until she just looks up like 'hi :)'
Bob, Jake's Ikran, likes stealing the Sully's food when they aren't looking. When they got to the Metkyina's Jake told him to stop, unknown to them he still does it but only with Tuk because she gives it willingly most of the time.
The Sully family speak in English when they don't want anyone in the Metkyina clan to know their business, Lo'ak started teaching Tsireya english so they had an excuse to spend extra time together.
Tuk can understand English but speaks really hesitantly, overthinks the words and takes really long forming words. After Neteyam died she starts begging her family to teach her because Neteyam offered to once and she turned it down.
Neytiri struggles in English but understands it perfectly, she prefers Na'vi and only uses it when speaking to RDA members or Jake. She uses few English words due to Grace's school shutting down, and she doesn't believe RDA members deserve the effort. Sounds very formal when she does try.
Jake taught the kids English and sometimes catches himself talking to non English speaking Na'vi like they can understand him, gets embrassed right away. Sometimes he forgets Na'vi for a moment before remembering a second after. Not long enough to cause the other party to be confused, just long enough to be awkward. Tends to speak formal one second then the next like a drunken teenage boy.
Lo'ak speaks broken English because the only times he speaks it is with Jake, Kiri and use to speak it with Neteyam. He can understand it perfectly well but just can't find the proper words to express emotions and actions. Speaks informally if the constant use of 'bro' is anything to go by.
Kiri is fully fluent in English, it started from watching Grace's videos and having Jake help her translate it to English and Na'vi, then she started speaking to Jake and Lo'ak in English, and soon Spider, Norm, etc, etc. She speaks informally.
Neteyam could understand both English and Na'vi perfectly, however he could only speak a bit of English while he was perfectly fluent in Na'vi. Sounded formal in English unless he was speaking to Lo'ak.
Uhh this is like 90% language hcs lmfao lemme know if you want more ig
Hello! Can i request some headcannons or scenarios of Tsu’tey from Avatar (2009)? Like maybe him meeting dreamwalker!reader in their human body for the first time? Hope you have a wonderful day.
Ofc!! I hope you're having an amazing day too
It's so nerve-wracking, sure he's seen you're Avatar body but not your human body, in some way it makes you feel anxious and self-conscious
Of course, you knew Tsu'tey loved you either way. Dreamwalker or not, he knows you, even if he was suspicious of you at first
You were getting ready to transfer yourself into your Avatar permanently, Tsu'tey was obviously your escort
Seeing him in your human form for the first time was like seeing him for the first time
He looked intimidating, he was twice your size in height and naturally built
It did take him a moment to realize it was you since you did look much different from your Avatar form, but it was like he could still sense that it was you
Of course, he treats you exactly the same with the exception of a few comments on how small or weak you look
But I promise he means nothing by it, he just wants to tease you a bit while he has the chance
However, he does treat your body more delicately as if you're glass ready to break if he even looks at you the wrong way
You may have to reassure him that you are stronger than you look and that he doesn't have to be so cautious with you
And if you ask him what he thinks of this form, he will answer honestly. You definitely look different, maybe even a bit odd. But, you still are, and forever will be, beautiful to him no matter what you look like
Hi! I saw that you write Avatar 2009 stuff and one thing (well, one person) came to mind: NORM SPELLMAN. I’ve always been an absolute SUCKER for adorkable nerds in any media so obviously, 11 yr old me fell HEAD OVER HEELS for this boy. I’d like to request Norm with an s/o who cares the world for him and gets incredibly anxious and protective when he gets hurt, even when it’s a minor injury (This could be either before or after his avatar gets shot down, your choice).
Thank you for the request!! Apologies that it has taken me forever to get too
Headcanons for Norm Spellman having a super protective and anxious s/o:
Going to Pandora was a dream come true for both you and Norm
It was beyond exciting to be able to work on a whole different planet
However it was insane how quickly things grew to be unstable
Quaritch had his plan for bulldozers to take down home tree, of course you all didn't know it was really happening until it happened
After that everything went down hill
Quaritch and his men were pulling people out of the link machines without warning
This immediately put everyone on edge, especially you. It was dangerous to just disrupt a session in the link machine
You didn't want that happening to Norm
At this point you had your fair share of arguments with Quaritch and his guys over the safety of Norm (and others ofc)
Of course Norm is the one who is standing there holding you back from starting fights with a bunch of marines
As things escalated, so did your anxiety and protectiveness
Quaritch had basically dragged you all into a jail cell, they had to consider sedating you to put it lightly
During the escape you never left Norms side, terrified that if you did something would happen
Then the subject of war was brought up. You were a mess. You didn't want Norm to fight, tried everything to get him not too
But he insisted. He knew this was the right thing to do and you knew it too so you settled for fighting along side him to help protect him
He wasn't too crazy about the idea of you fighting either
It was intense. There was gun fire, smoke, and yelling everywhere
You got separated from him for a split second, trying to help one of the Na'vi escape safely
When you tried to look back for him... he was no where to be seen
So you used the microphone piece to try and reach him, he didn't answer.
You kept asked for him, begging for him to say something so you knew he was okay. You sprinted through the forest, searching everywhere
You finally saw his avatar, laying face down on the ground with a bullet wound. He was unconscious, barely breathing, a slow pulse. An injury this bad could kill him, not just his avatar.
You couldn't bare to leave his side. With teary eyes you put pressure on his wounds, praying and begging that he would make it.
But the avatars breathing slowed and stopped along with the heart beat. He was gone...
Neytiri and Jake had managed to track you down after everything was over, they mourned with you and managed to get you up and moving after what felt like an eternity
You wanted to see him, to see his human body, to officially say goodbye to him
When you got there he was laying on the ground of the lab, broken glass everywhere... but he had his mask on and somehow by some miracle he was breathing... he was alive!
It wasn't until days later that Norm had awakened, after getting proper medical care, you were beyond relieved and thankful and definitely hugged him a little too hard :)
You were never letting him out of your sight again