Aww I Love Him - Tumblr Posts
bts 8th member who is feeling a bit moody, distant, not eating, not being their cheery selves, etc and the boys find out and try to cheer them up/talk to them? so like angst but fluffy
They felt like they had tried everything, but they were still just as far from figuring out why you were so sad and distant. You weren’t eating, and you seemed to be avoiding them making them worry.
Yoongi sighed running a hand through his hair as the thought about it. Jimin had tried dancing with you to distract you, Taehyung had tried watching your favorite cartoon with you, Hoseok had tried to talk about anything .. Maybe that was where they were going wrong, he thought.
He walked into your room, not bothering to knock, knowing you had been taking a nap. “Alright, Y/N, what’s wrong?”
You sat up, eyes narrowing. “Yoongi, get-” He cut you off by moving to sit next to you on the bed. “Uh-uh, I’m not the others okay. They’ve been trying all day to get you to relax and take whatever is wrong off your mind but that’s obviously not working, so now you get to tell me what’s wrong.”
You stared at him in silence for a moment, and he narrowed his eyes at you. If it were anyone else, you would have been upset with the way Yoongi just barged into your room, but this was him.. and for some reason knowing that he cared enough to crash into your room and demand to know what was wrong so bluntly was enough to have you finally crying out everything.
He leaned forward to pulling you into his arms. “That’s it,” he mumbled. “Let it out, you’re alright.” You had just wanted someone to comfort you, and he would always be there to do that for you.