Aypierres Got A Lot Of Things Cooking - Tumblr Posts
So some images delated fastly.
And of course, talking about QSMP 2 and harrassement CC have been through.
But don't you forget someone ?
Yeah, Aypierre, too. Not only Étoiles, Phil, Quackity or Baghera.
Yeah, we, as a community, did get to see some nearly from the begginning but that doesn't mean we have to accept it quietly as a fact.
So if you talk about harrassement, please don't forget us. We too see some violence and that were also injustified too because harrassement and insults should never be the norm for everyone.
Yeah did WE have to see that ? Because the stream was still on and not on boycott when someone tried actively to help and wanted to offert his support, thinking abandon the project will not help to improve his worker conditions ?
No. As for Baghera who did not deserves it, as for Étoiles, and Phil, and Quackity and Léa too.
No one deserves that.
And also these pictures.. Could also mean the future of a single character (Q!Quackity).
Dont get your hopes too high, wait and see too.