Ball Game - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago

Conversations are like a ball game.

You have to work with the other person to make it fun:

You don't hog the ball all for yourself, but you don't have them throw the ball at you over and over again while you nod and smile

You don't throw it back as fast as you can because you don't have time to aim and then the ball gets stuck in a tree.

At least in most cases.

Humans are not so simple

Sometimes some people like or are fine being hit by a ball repeatedly as long as the other can happily play like some hyperactive child.

Sometimes a person climbs the tree to retrieve the ball and even though it killed the flow they're more than willing to play with you again.

Sometimes two people have spent so much time playing ball together they don't even have to think about it when they throw the ball, they synergise so well they can play with their eyes closed.

Sometimes it's not the way you throw the ball but the ball itself, maybe it's doesn't go well for this game or person and you need a more adequate ball.

Sometimes the other person is not in the mood to play.

Sometimes they just want to enjoy some time with you in silence.

Sometimes the other person is a jerk and they keep aiming at your face or refusing to play and you have better things to do than keep trying to play with this jerk-ass jerk.

Sometimes you have the ball in your hands and you start to overthink of all the ways you could embarrass yourself throwing this ball and you stand there for an hour.

Sometimes you don't know how to play ball games or you forgot and you have to relearn.

So if you had bad experiences with ball games that doesn't mean all ball games are bad and you should give up on ball games forever.

There are so many of them and so many different ways to play them!

There badminton and soccer and baseball and ping-pong and mini golf and I could be here all day.

And if you don't want to play ball with someone but still play ball then you can play alone for some self reflection or draw a face on your ball and let people admire it.

And I just love ball games and I hope reading this may make you like them a little too.

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