Bangtan Jungkook Smut - Tumblr Posts

A/N: Hello everyone! It’s been a hot minute. Hopefully this new series makes up for everything J I haven’t written hybrid!au stuff before, but I find it really hot so why the fuck not right?
There will be smut in later chapters!
If you’re not into that kind of stuff, then I wouldn’t read this story.
Based sorta on this J-Drama called Kimi Wa Petto, if you wanna check it out its super cute.
Sometimes you wondered if people actually had brains in their heads. Because, a few people in your place of work were seriously making you think otherwise.
First, it was your intern spilling the offices order of coffee this morning and then leaving early because of an appointment that he so conveniently remembered just as the afternoon droll was rolling around. Then it was a deadline for a project of yours getting pushed up a few weeks, putting more strain on your team then you were willing to force on them, so you took on the majority of the work. Next it was your ex-boyfriend coming by and asking for the keys to your newly single person home as he forgot some of his things in the storage closet in the upstairs office. Honestly, you didn’t really care anymore, although seeing him so nonchalantly walking into your workplace and confirming your co-worker’s suspicions was somewhat humiliating.
And, to top it all off, you had to work late that night.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go to dinner with us Miss Y/N?”
You shook your head and waved dismissively at the woman talking to you.
“I’m sure, I need to get this done before the night is over or I will be massively backed up when we get back from the weekend, and I really don’t want that to happen,” you said, not even bothering to look up at her.
You heard someone clear their throat as everyone shuffled out of the room.
Finally, peace and quiet.
The office had a sort of calmness that it didn’t have during the day at this time of night. No other souls were in the building, besides the security guards and you were free to work in peace. Sometimes you purposefully stayed late because then you could work more efficiently than when there were about twenty people in the office.
Although, this meant another night of sleep deprivation.
But, you weren’t really one to sleep restfully in the first place.
The minutes drew into hours and those hours started to stack scarily high.
It was around 3:00 in the morning when you finally pushed away from your desk and started to clean up.
You had finished the organizing of the files and also got a head start on the presentation. Mild inconvenience now will make your life ten times easier in the future.
The wheels on your chair squeaked as you stood up and stretched, finally feeling the blood making its way around your body. You rubbed your tired eyes and then noticed your phone was ringing.
Who the hell would be calling you at this hour? Never the less, it could be someone from overseas calling not being aware that they were being a massive dick. The idea of more work strained your brain, however, you picked it up.
“Hello? This is Y/N,” you said in your calm and level voice.
Your mother’s screeching voice echoed through the phone. “Hello darling! How are you? What are you up to?”
Without thinking about it, you instinctively pulled the phone away from your ear to prevent going deaf, before carefully hovering it near your ear so you could actually hear what she had to say. Not that you cared much.
“Hi, mom… Why are you calling so early?”
A gasp sounded through the phone.
“I’m so sorry darling! Did I wake you? I forgot I was in Paris for a minute there… Anyways, I wanted to confirm something with you.”
Of course she forgot she was in Paris. Probably one of the most extravagant cities in the world and renowned for being the city of love. But of course, it’s easy to forgot you’re there sometimes. Understandable.
“What is that?”
“I remember you gushing about your boyfriend, and I realized I’d never met him! I would love to do so, probably this weekend. I’ll come over for tea and see if I approve of this man in your life. Sorry to wake you, I’ll get going now! Au revoir!”
And with that, the line cut off.
It was very common for your mother to randomly invite herself into your home and cause havoc in your life. She’d told off multiple partners in your life that they weren’t good enough for you, in front of their faces. And of course, no one wants an in-law that’s over bearing anyways. No to mention a complete bitch on top of that.
But, you guess that if you got her favorite tea and made sure that your boyfriend-
Oh fuck.
That’s right.
The dick had dumped you after getting another chick pregnant. He had kept up the façade for two months, secretly meeting with her and helping her through her morning sickness while you woke up to an empty bed and confusion.
And now, your mother was coming over. Expecting to meet your boyfriend that you had been ‘gushing’ about. When in reality, you only had told her you were serious about this man. She probably didn’t even remember his name.
“Noona? What are you still doing here?” A tired voice came through the air.
Taehyung, a new security guard in your building approached you. He’d brought you some snacks one night and you both had bonded over stale Cheetos and cheap beer. He was a good person and not that much younger than you. Just a year. He had a superior named Namjoon that was the head of security in your building and he was just as kind, just a bit stricter.
“Nothing, just busy with work. Paper work and all that shit. Just about to head home though,” you said, grabbing your bag and hauling it over your shoulder.
“Oh, want me to walk you out?” He asked, gesturing towards the door in a ridiculously lavish fashion.
“Sure, sounds good. We haven’t spoken in a while,” you said, heading towards the door with him.
The two of you were chatting on the ride down the elevator and exchanged a few jokes and yawns before the ding of the elevator bell brought you out of your tired state.
“Well, I’m off to protect all your important files,” he said, getting ready to hit the button to go up.
Then, a stupid idea wormed its way into your head.
“Hey! Wait!” Taehyung jolted and stopped, jumping out of the elevator before it shut.
“Um, yes, Noona?”
“Want to be my boyfriend?”
You asked, before thinking about your wording too carefully.
Taehyung turned a bright pink color before choking on air and starting to cough.
You rushed over and patted him on the back, hoping to help calm his fit.
When he finally got the air back in his lungs he looked up at you with surprise written all over his features.
“I thought it was my job to ask you out?”
You scoffed before shaking your head.
“That’s a sexist statement Taehyung. But, I meant my fake boyfriend. My mom is coming over for tea this weekend and my ex had to go knock another girl up. So, I kind of need a stand in,” you said, wringing your hands together.
“Ah, I was wondering why you would be asking me out so suddenly. And, sorry that happened, your ex is a complete dick who doesn’t know what he gave up. But, I don’t think my girlfriend would appreciate it very much,” he said with a cute little blush dusting his features.
Guilt rushed through your system. How could you ask Taehyung to do that? He was so sweet and asking him to lie because your mother is incredibly pushy isn’t right.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I hope I didn’t just make things incredibly awkward,” you rushed, hoping to God he wasn’t mad.
You heard a little giggle that lifted your spirits and Taehyung placed his hand on your shoulder.
“I’m actually flattered that you asked me, but, like I said. I don’t think my girlfriend would bite, although I could always ask, wouldn’t kill me to do so,” he said, reaching for his phone. You stopped him quickly.
“No, that’s fine. I should just tell her that he broke up with me and take the heat.”
The idea displeased you greatly, due to the fact that you would never hear the end of it. ‘Why did he leave you?’ ‘If you were doing everything that I did as a wife this would’ve never happened!’
Now you knew why dad had died so early.
You were starting to like the idea more and more yourself.
Taehyung gave you a sad smile before heading towards the elevator again.
“Well, I better get back to work, Namjoon-Hyung with probably already kick my butt for being out this long anyways. Wish me luck,” he said as the door shut.
“Yeah, good luck…”
The night air bit at your skin as the tendrils of winter started to wrap around the city. The sounds of police sirens and cars honking as you walked filled the suffocating silence that awaited you at your door step.
The walk gave you plenty time to devise a plan however.
Loads of ideas had come up in your mind.
You could tell your mother that he simply had to work. But then you would have to explain to her where he worked and then she would insist on taking him a lunch or something of the like.
Bad plan.
There was always the classic, ‘Oh, he was feeling a little under the weather today and didn’t want to give it to us. How considerate is he?’ Although, then she would say you could prepare a meal for him and go nurse him back to health! He’d definitely have to marry you then, certainly!
Bad plan.
Then, if worst came to worst, you told her the truth. Which then would result in endless amounts of complaints of travelling all the way to your crummy apartment, that actually wasn’t that bad, just to be disappointed, like usual. Why couldn’t you keep a man? Was it that hard to just keep your mouth shut and please them? Is she ever going to get the grandchildren she so endlessly wants to spoil?
Bad plan.
You knew your mother wasn’t completely heartless. But, she was pretty self-centered and didn’t really care about much more than fancy material items and her own reflection.
That and every nook and cranny of your life.
Ever since you were born your life had been dictated by her and what she wanted for you. You hadn’t even gotten to choose what figure inspired you the most for an essay you wrote. She had to pick that too.
However, since moving out, you had gotten a sweet taste of freedom from her and it was everything you could’ve hoped for and more.
And now that you have it, you were going to do everything you could to keep it. Even if that meant lying straight to her face.
Your apartment building came into view and you were heading towards the door when the sound of someone running up the street caught your attention. You turned to look and noticed a tall man running towards you.
He was scratched up and looked a little worse for wear. He was also sporting a black eye that didn’t look good either. Fear flooded your system as you started reaching for the door, keeping your eyes on him.
The door clicked and relief washed over you like a tidal wave. Until you felt someone’s hand on your shoulder.
“Think you could help me?”
His voice was thick as honey and it was strained. He was panting heavily, and it sounded a little off.
You turned and almost screamed at the person in front of you. Or, if it was even a person.
It was a boy with normal male features, but with two ears sticking straight up out of his head. He must’ve been one of those furry people who dress up like animals and get busy with each other.
Weird, but you weren’t one to judge people.
Not too often, anyways.
But, at 4:00 in the morning outside your apartment building you were feeling rather judgmental. Especially towards some stranger with dog ears.
“Can you be my owner?”
Confusion was the only emotion you felt at the moment.
“Your owner?” You thought about it for a moment and realized it must’ve been some sort of roleplay thing. “Sorry, I’m not really into this sort of thing and we don’t know each other so-”
“THERE HE IS!” A random man shouted from the end of the street and the sound of feet clambering up towards you was loud in your ears.
“Shit! Please, be my owner and I’ll do anything you want. Absolutely anything, please, just pretend to be my owner,” he begged.
You looked into his eyes and saw genuine fear. Your heart lurched as he looked petrified.
“Anything?” You cocked your eyebrow, and watched as he nodded frantically.
“Anything.” He confirmed for you.
Finally, the men approached you. They were all middle aged, and unhealthily large at that. They were huffing and puffing as they came towards you and whoever the man next to you was.
“You need to come with us, pooch,” one of the said, when he wasn’t wheezing that was.
One of them pulled out an inhaler and then proceeded to head towards the man next to you. You blocked them with a movement of your hand. They looked at you confused until you pushed the man behind you and stepped forward, crossing your arms in front of you and putting on your best face.
Time to put on a show.
“What’s the meaning of this?” You asked, raising an eyebrow and scanning the men in front of you.
“He’s an unregistered hybrid who’s been reported of indecent exposure. We need to take him in,” he said.
“And who might you be?” You question, walking towards them with an intimidating glare. The men backed off slightly and stood up a little straighter, trying to save the pride they were losing.
“We’re dog catchers. This hybrid needs to come with us,” he said, reaching for the man behind you again.
You reached out and grabbed his wrist, stopping anymore forward movement.
“I think you’ll find that he doesn’t need to come with you. He’s mine, and I you can’t just take something that belongs to me.”
The men looked at you with shocked expressions.
“W-We weren’t aware that he had an owner, he has no collar or I.D on him.”
“Too much of a hassle, didn’t care for it, he behaves well enough. But apparently I need to be more stern with him, thank you for chasing him back home.” You said, starting to head towards the door.
“Wait! You need to fill out registration papers for him!”
You turned on your heel.
“My name is Y/F/N Y/L/N and his name is Jungkook, figure out the rest for yourselves. If I see you around here again I will call the police for harassment. I think we’re done here, come on Jungkook,” you said, walking towards the door.
He followed you without a word and the men were left there without a word.
You walked up to your apartment in silence. This hybrid gentleman hadn’t said anything since he had confirmed he would do anything for your assistance and you weren’t sure if he was planning on speaking anytime soon.
When you entered the apartment he stayed outside the door, seemingly tentative towards the new space.
“You can come in,” you said, looking at him.
He walked in slowly before shutting the door behind you.
It was silent for a few moments before he seemed to gather himself to speak.
“Thank you for your help,” he said, looking down at his hands.
“I didn’t do it for free you know,” you said, placing your hands on your hips.
“Ah, that’s right, what did you want? I’m assuming the usual thing, am I right?” He said, walking towards you.
“The usual what-”
You were cut off with warm lips against your own. You were shocked before you finally got your bearings and shoved him off of you and slapping him across the face.
He stood still and held his cheek, moderately stunned.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” You growled, ready to beat his ass if need be.
He was frozen.
“I-I’m sorry, I thought… The usual thing that people want from us hybrids is sex, it was my fault I’m sorry…”
Guilt raised in your stomach as you watched him recover from the shock. He seemed far to used to getting hit for your liking.
“Come here,” you said, walking over to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of ice out of the freezer and handed it to him.
He slowly placed it on his eye and draped it down his cheek.
“I’m sorry.”
He shook his head.
“It was my fault for assuming. I shouldn’t have pounced on you like that, I’m sorry,” he said once again.
“Do you have a name?”
You asked, looking at the rest of his wounds.
“Jungkook?” He questioned.
“Is that really your name?”
“I don’t know; I’ve never had one before. It’s generally just been Hybrid #233418, for as long as I’ve been alive.”
You felt sick. Only being known as a number, no one caring enough to give you a name. An identity to call your own.
It was wrong and dehumanizing.
“Do you like the name Jungkook? You can keep it or change it, I’ll call you whatever you like,” you said, walking over to the fridge for a couple bottles of water.
“Since my owner gave me the name, I’ll keep it. Does it suit me you think?”
You turned around and handed him a water.
“Your owner? You mean me? I’m not your owner,” you said, setting him straight.
“But you are, you agreed to be my owner and told the dog catchers your name,” he remembered, grabbing the bottle of water and chugging it down with gusto.
“How do you know that was my real name?”
He set down the bottle of water, which was now almost empty, before looking at you intently.
“You don’t look like the kind of person that is good at lying. That’s why I trust you,” he said, giving you a cute little smile.
“Okay, what are hybrids? I’ve never seen anyone with ears like that…” You said, staring at them with curiosity.
Jungkook seemed to notice this and they flattened on his head slightly.
“Hybrids? You don’t know anything about the sex industry do you?” You shook your head dumbly. “We were made for sexual purposes. Since we’re not technically human, it’s not considered prostitution. Although, some of us are bought for companions and arm candy for those in higher in society. Sometimes we’re bought as pets. But, generally, we’re a good fuck for people who can’t get any from their significant other,” he explained.
“So that’s why you kissed me…” you said, fitting the pieces together in your mind.
“Yes, I thought you were aware of us, but apparently I can’t assume anything with you,” he chuckled afterwards, rubbing his cheek.
“Why were those dog catchers after you?”
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
“It’s a long story. And honestly, I’m too tired to remember most of it. Basically, I was sick of fucking people every day, and for a male hybrid that’s saying something. I was tired of being treating like a piece of meat, like I didn’t matter. So I bolted one night when my client was asleep. Been on the run ever since,” he said.
“And what was all of that about indecent exposure,” you questioned, raising an eyebrow.
He blushed slightly and cleared his throat.
“Well, just because I didn’t want to be prostituted doesn’t mean that I object to sex when it’s offered…”
“I don’t see what that has to do with indecent exposure,” you said, giving him a look.
“I was chased out of a very angry man’s house after sleeping with his daughter,” he said, leaning forward on the counter.
“Good for you.”
He laughed and the sound was almost heavenly. The longer you looked at him, you couldn’t imagine that he was ever in any kind of hardship. He had a twinkle in his eyes that just screamed trouble, and you were interested.
“So, if you don’t want me for my skills in the bedroom-”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“Please,” you laughed before drinking more of your water.
Jungkook took the bait.
“I was the most paid for hybrid since I turned legal. I don’t disappoint,” he whispered lowly, trying to be seductive.
“Cute pup, but not going to work on me,” you said before pushing him back.
“Fair enough, you’re a tough woman, I’ll give you that. However, that doesn’t answer the question. What do you want me for?”
You thought it over for a few moments then looked him dead in the eye.
“Jungkook, I need you to be my fake boyfriend.”
Owner Part IV

Hello Hello! Here’s the next part of owner! It took a while, but I’m glad it’s out there for you all to enjoy!
Panic enveloped your being. Jungkook stood up and scrambled to shut the bathroom door, almost falling and killing himself in the process.
“Y/N? Are you home?” your mother’s voice echoed through the halls. You were trying to get to your feet without slipping and smacking your head again.
“Y-yes! I’m in the restroom, give me a minute,” you yelped. You rushed and threw a towel at a very naked Jungkook. He pulled the towel around his waist and covered himself.
“Does she just barge in like this usually?” he whispered, exasperated.
“Well, normally I’m alone so it doesn’t matter,” you answered, rushing to wipe down the floor.
“What do I do?” he asked, looking at himself in just a towel.
“We’ve been dating a while, she’ll think it’s normal, just stay here,” you said going to the door. You glanced back to see Jungkook’s lean and toned back on display for you. You shook your head and hurried out of the room.
When you made it to the living room your mother was sat on the couch, looking through her day book. She lifted her head and smiled; standing to give you a hug.
“There’s my lovely daughter,” she said, squeezing tightly. You sighed and hugged back, knowing she wouldn’t let go until you did. However, it was nice to see your mom again after a long time of being apart. As much of a pain as she is, you loved her nonetheless.
“Hi, mom,” you said, releasing your hold on her. She gave a big grin as she looked you over. However, confused flitted across her face as she took notice of the wet marks on your clothing.
“Why are you wet, darling?” she asked, pulling at the fabric curiously.
You thought of a lie quickly.
“Jungkook just got out of the shower and wanted a hug so, I got a little damp,” you laughed, trying not to look too nervous.
“Jungkook?” she asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
“My boyfriend, the one I’ve been living with for the past two months,” you clarified. Her eyes widened and she tried to find her words.
“He lives here, with you? But you’ve only been dating a few months,” she said, her face clearly displeased.
“It’ll be eight months next week mom,” you said, pushing your hair back off your face.
“Y/N, I think I got soap in my eye,” Jungkook said, walking out rubbing his eye. Your mother gasped.
“He has ears!” she yelped. Jungkook looked at you with raised eyebrows.
“Most people do mom,” you said.
“But they’re dog ears!”
“He’s a hybrid mom. They’re part human, part animal,” you said, explaining the ears. She walked up and looked at him closely. Closely, your mom looked at him with her lazer vision.
“What do you do for a living?” she asked, staring up at him.
“Freelance dancing mainly, one performance could give me enough for a few months,” he said smiling. “But Y/N has encouraged me to make a career out of it,” he explained, wrapping his arm around you. Normally you’d flinch or shy away from anyones touch, but Jungkook’s warm arm around your waist felt oddly relaxing. Your mom raised an eyebrow at the two of you before giving a smile to Jungkook.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you darling,” she said, kissing his cheek. You watched your mother for any signs of displeasure, but couldn’t find any. “How about we go to the cafe together? I’d love to get to know you more sweetie,: she said, smiling at you both. Although, something didn’t sit right with you.
You all went to the cafe with your mother per her request. She was nice the whole time, but something was eating at you.
“So, how was your trip mom?” you asked after a lull in the conversation.
“Fabulous, everyone was lovely, and the clothes!” she gushed. Your anxiety eased watching her become more animated. She talked about the luxury of the city while your food came.
“You’d never believe how big the eiffel tower is in real life,” she said, smiling brightly. The waiter set your food in front of you, but you didn’t really pay attention, more entertained by your mother’s hand gestures. You mindlessly went to lift a bite of your salad to your mouth before your fork was smacked out of your hand. You gasped ad looked at Jungkook furiously.
“What the hell is your problem?” you fumed.
“You were just about to take a huge bite of mango, you’re allergic,” he said, pulling the salad away from you. “Could you remake this please?” he asked the waiter. The staff quickly cleared your plate away while you stared at Jungkook with a stunned look on your face.
“Thank you,” you whispered, staring at him with wide eyes. Your mother gaped at Jungkook with a shocked expression.
“My God! Y/N!” she yelped, holding your cheeks. “Be more careful! My God I could’ve lost you, my only baby!” she cried, hugging you tightly. You cringed at her yelling and gross crying, but patted her head to sooth her.
Finally, when you mother detached you looked at Jungkook with a loving expression.
“Thank you,” you said a little louder so your mom could hear.
“I’m your boyfriend, it’s my job to keep you safe,” he said, kissing your hand. You could practically hear your mother’s internal screaming. The rest of dinner went off without a hitch. Your mom insisted on paying for the meal. ‘The least she could do for the man who saved her daughter.’ You tried not to throw up your meal you’d just had.
You went back to your apartment and your mother decided to stay in a hotel closer to the mall.
“I want to do some shopping tonight,” she said as she made her way out. You and Jungkook waved goodnight. When the door finally shut you walked out of Jungkook’s embrace and to the kitchen to start making some tea.
“What a day huh?” he said, jumping up on the stool.
“Thanks again,” you murmured. “I normally would look closer at the menu, guess it just slipped my mind,” you said, shrugging as you boiled the water.
“Don’t mention it, I was the one who put the mangos on that salad, it’s only fair I save you from them,” he stated. You snapped your head in his direction so fast you could’ve sworn you heard a crack.
“What did you say?” you glowered. Jungkook became tense and bit his lip. You noticed that his ears started to flatten against his head.
“I may or may not have told the waiter to put mangos on your salad...”
“The fuck did you just say!?” you screamed lunging towards Jungkook, murder the only thought in your mind at the moment. Jungkook grabbed your waist and tried to keep you from clawing his face off.
“Hang on hang on!” he yelped, jumping away from you agilely.
“I’ll hang something, you sound like the perfect thing to hang!” you growled. Jungkook blocked your attack with ease, making you snarl in annoyance.
“Just listen!” he yelled, making you stop. He sighed in relief at the ceasing of your slapping. “I knew that your mother was wary of me, so I did that so she would trust our relationship a little more, I wouldn’t ever let you eat something that could hurt you, I promise,” he said, placing his hands on your shoulders. You looked down for a moment then pushed his hands off you.
“Whatever, next time yu plan on playing with my life, let me know first, yeah?” you said, pulling your bag off the couch.
“You would’ve have died, I’ll give you CPR,” he chuckled.
“Come near me with your mouth without my consent again and you won’t be able to reproduce,” you warned, flicking your hair over your shoulder and heading towards your room. Jungkook grumbled something, but you didn’t think too much about it before shutting the door to your room and heading for a well deserved nap.
A few weeks had passed and you and Jungkook had gotten used to co-existing with each other.
He had this habit of waiting for you to come home. When you asked him about it, he said it was just natural for him to wait for you. Because it was more fun when you were home. So every night when you walked through the door, Jungkook would be there with a warm cup of coffee or tea.
Although, there was one problem that you kept encountering.
Jungkook didn’t know the meaning of personal space.
Whether it was when you were cleaning and he was always behind you and wanting to hang onto you. Now, it wasn’t really a problem, you didn’t mind really. But you weren’t the touchy feely kind of person.
But on the weekends when you were reading a book or watching TV on the couch Jungkook would crawl up and lay his head on your lap. At first it was a little irritating because he would push your book up and around. He also would bug you to play with his hair. Generally you wouldn’t, but if he had been good you would run your fingers across his scalp a few times to give him the attention he wanted.
However, the one thing you weren’t going to tolerate was him sneaking into your bed in the middle of the night.
There would be nights when you’d wake up sweating and you briefly think that you are going through early menopause, but then you feel the arms around your waist and Jungkook breathing down your neck.
Jungkook had many bumps and bruises from you pushing him off the bed and onto the floor. He claims that he doesn’t do it on purpose. He just gets cold and he likes to be warm.
Although, sometimes at night when he’s asleep in your bed and clinging to you, you’ll hear him talk in his sleep. He’ll go through some fits and it’s concerning. But, you wake him and he laughs it off telling you it’s nothing and that he’ll go back to his room...
But you can’t shake the feeling that something’s wrong.
It had been bothering you all day at work and even the night before when you were trying to fall into a fitful sleep. Because restless sleep was better than none at all. Kinda.
You were walking out of your office building when Taehyung, the security guard you had humiliated yourself in front of decided to pop up.
“Hey, Noona!” he shouted, bounding over to you like an excited puppy. You thought briefly of Jungkook jogging your way when you arrived home. You quickly shook your head to focus on other things.
“Taehyung-ah, how are you?” you asked, slowing your pace while he matched it.
“Great! Thanks for asking, did you ever figure out that boyfriend fiasco that you were worried about?” he asked, as the two of you headed for the door. You flushed and tried not to think about asking him to play boyfriend for you.
“U-Uh, yeah, sorta...” you said, not really wanting to divulge your current situation to the younger man.
“Awesome! That’s good to know, you seemed really upset over it,” he said, giving you a kind hearted smile.
“Don’t worry, I figured it out. So... Did you need something?” you asked, looking at the envelope he had in his hand.
“Ah! Yeah, that’s right. Namjoon-hyung wanted me to give this to you, apparently someone sent you a letter! How cool, people never send letters anymore. I wish someone would send me a letter,” he prattled, starting to head towards a tangent you didn’t really want to be apart of.
“Thanks nice of you to bring it to me Taehyung, I’ll take it if you don’t mind, I’ve got to go home and make dinner for Jung-” you stopped yourself. Taehyung gave you an odd look.
“Jung? Jung who?” he asked, bumping shoulders with you. “You really must’ve solved that boyfriend problem huh! Good job noona!” he said, giving you his classic boxy grin.
“Ah ha ha... Yeah, anyways. Thank you for bringing me this, see you soon, yeah?” you said, already heading out the door. Taehyung just nodded and waved as you scrambled to your car in embarrassment. If all of you interactions with Taehyung ended this way, you were hoping he’d make himself as scarce as possible.
The walk home was uneventful.
You were busy thinking about Jungkook. The whole day you were worried about him. This morning he was asleep on the sofa and he was rather warm. You weren’t sure what was wrong with him. Waking him up had proven fruitless. So, you had left your cell phone number and the home phone next to him in hopes that he would call when he woke up.
But your phone was silent the whole day.
Not even your mother called, something out of the ordinary for her. Unless she was spending money. Then you didn’t really want to hear about it.
You wandered around the streets, trying not to get too worried. If Jungkook needed something he would call you. Wouldn’t he?
Without meaning to, you started to walk a little faster. Then a little faster after that. And before you knew it you were running down the street trying to get home. You were worried. You had been worrying about him all day and without meaning to your mind had been wandering to him all day.
He’d been fine a few days ago! Why the sudden change?
You jogged up to the front door of your apartment building. One of your neighbors, Seokjin, was getting his mail when you stumbled through the door looking like a hot mess.
“Whoa, easy there Y/N-ah, you alright?” he asked, looking at you with curiosity.
“Just, feel like I left something on in the apartment and I wanted to make sure that I didn’t,” you said, running past him and up the stairs.
You flung open your apartment door and saw Jungkook by the stove. He looked stunned.
“Welcome home, Y/N,” he said with a soft smile.
You were panting and before you knew it you were running towards him and pulling him into a tight hug. Jungkook stumbled back slightly as you clung to him.
Memories of you younger brother being sick and needing you, but you were never there flashed through your mind... You couldn’t think about him. Not now...
Jungkook looked at you with confusion swimming in his eyes. You were trembling. What had happened when you were at work? Did someone upset you? Anger ripped through Jungkook faster than he thought was possible. Who hurt you? Who hurt someone who had done so much for another person?
You didn’t have to save him like you did. He didn’t know you and you didn’t know him. Sure he was helping you out by getting your mother off your back, but other than that, what was he contributing? Not much...
“Are you alright?” he asked.
“Kang Woo... I’m so sorry,” you breathed into his chest.
Kang Woo? Who was Kang Woo? Is that the person that upset you at work?
“Y/N? Y/N are you okay?” Jungkook asked, pulling you away from him so he could look at you. Your cheeks were puffy and eyes were red. You had started to cry.
Nothing made sense. You weren’t like this. Nothing made you cry or made you upset. You were tough as nails and strong. Confidence was as easy as breathing to you. Your abundance of charisma and pluck were some of the things that Jungkook liked about you. But seeing you in this state enraged him.
“Yeah, sorry... I-I don’t know what came over me,” you whispered, rubbing at your eyes. “Long day at work and I guess I just needed to cry it out,” you explained. Jungkook wasn’t sure he believed you, but he let it go not wanting to upset you further.
“Okay, sorry that work wasn’t the greatest...” he tried, wanting to make you feel better.
“It’s fine,” you said before giving Jungkook a stern look. “What the hell was with you this morning?” you asked, poking his chest angrily.
“What do you mean?” he retorted, leaning back against the countertop.
“You were asleep and sweating and-and I thought that you were sick so I left my phone number next to the couch and I was waiting all day for you to call but you never did so-” you took a deep inhale and continued. “I thought something really bad was happening to you so I was useless today!” you complained.
Jungkook seemed to think about it for a moment.
“Whatever it was I feel fine now, don’t worry, okay?” he said giving you a smile. You wanted to argue with him, tell him that he should be resting and that you would take care of him. But, something told you not to fight him. He would be okay.
“Alright, but if you do start to feel unwell, please let me know okay?” you pleaded. Jungkook nodded and patted your head and headed towards the living room. You watched him go and sit down before you phone beeped.
New Message:
We know you have him. We’re coming to get him. You’ll regret taking that mutt into your home.
Watch yourself, Y/N...
*Please don’t ask about updates. Thank You.