Bara Artist - Tumblr Posts
After not taking any proper commissions for over a year now (and having no stable commissions sheet for double that) I'm finally accepting them! More or less making this a full-time thing on top of my already full-time position since at the moment of posting this I'm tight on money and I need to pay for extra expenses until I have a better paying job for myself down the line

I forgot to mention this and make a proper sheet for it but every so often I will host adopts for OCs. They will be sold at the same price of a ref sheet with the same layout
I will also be adding Adopts onto a list for buyouts and bids
Starting bids begin at $5
Auto-buy will be $45
Anything regarding racism, sexism, homophobia, religious, body-shaming, intent of violence, or any overly political. This and more that will warrant hatred or worse death upon certain groups or persons.
Anything, either that being a character associated with certain groups or signs that promote hate, ill intent, or harm towards other groups of people or individuals.
Anything regarding statutory r*p3 or r*p3 of any caliber. Consent is something I take seriously and find anything that disregards lack of or complete disregard to the consent of others vile.
Drawing any character causing direct harm to themselves or others either through physical violence, self mutilation, unhealthy addictions or direct use of addictions like obsessive drinking, smoking of any kind or forms of s**cide or actions that will lead one to commit these atrocities. I have triggers that follow painful memories and I'd rather not have vivid waking nightmares that will haunt me as I draw them. Gore/body horror is fine as long as it's not tied to these issues as well.
Certain NSFW categories (baby, incest, mpreg, public indecency, ect.) I will dm a list provided of all categories I won't draw because I don't want to be, nor have my artwork affiliated with certain audiences that praise them.
Use of anything related to AI or AI Art in my pieces for any reason not will I ever request anything that's used or made as AI art. I strongly despise AI art in its entirety and won't use it for anything in my artwork. I will also block any requests from those who praise the use of theft and lack of an artist's privacy of their own artwork.
Use of any action listed above on characters that are associated to a live action role or are solely tied to a real person either living or deceased. Requested characters must be 100% fictional and not from any live-action franchise to avoid affiliation. The same will go for any person; alive or passed even if they aren't played by an acting role.
Any commissioner who ignores or directly violates these rules will be denied their request, have their payments refunded in full, blocked and then rightfully reported
All commissions are restricted to be posted by either me or the commissioner. You do not have rights to any of my work for any commercial use

Hulk month on