Batdr Fanart - Tumblr Posts

The next Joey’s Art Challenge! The Projectionist’s best suit...and I made it very sad and an excuse to practice how to draw Norman >:D

Betty visits downtown! And she got a present for Wilson along the way-

We are back to the art challenges! This time, it’s about Tom and his strange arm enhancements...he’s having an Ash Williams arc, give him a moment

Joey’s Art Challenge this week is “Alice Angel’s Villain Car!” Taking inspiration from Death and Taxis in Bendy: Nightmare Run, I made her this lovely lady! She calls her her “Volkswagen Beauty!”

Alice and Cynthia are back once again!
The lyrics are from the song “My Chinchilla” by Cub, which I love so much-
And me trying to draw the Ink Demon XD

I’m not sorry for drawing her a third time this month- I’m an Alice Angel apologist

The Bendy games are so important to me- BATIM made me start to design characters, write stories, and without it I wouldn’t have met such amazing friends and my girlfriend! BATDR feels like a huge improvement of the original, and just increases my huge love of the world of Joey Drew Studios! So of course, I drew the best sibling duo-

It was another challenge to draw your sapphic ship like this; so I did it with Alice and Cynthia! It’s good to draw these two again-

„Ink is calling us, my dear...”

I really like Wilson! Even when he was broken into little pieces. Kinda funny when you think about that xD (I really laughed after that scene. I'm bastard)

Be aware that wide smile Audrey can obsess your soul or give you the worst nightmares!
I'm not responsible for your treatment! (And yeah, i'm literaly on my treatment)
I tried to create perfect smile for Audrey.
It's what I know, models don't have a face bones and flexes not working in program which i use, so I tried to create an other alternative!
On second pic: Down teeth are there. It's just too dark to see them. Sorry.
„Not a goodbye hug/kiss because I want to keep you forever”

Even if it was possible. It couldn't last forever.
After some time, however long and happy for both of them (and above all for him), it was time to say this goodbye, but before he left, he didn't leave Henry to his fate.
Joey knew about that truth, but Henry believed Joey's copy (memory) was the real Joey, who left everything in real world and stayed with him in another.
It hurt, but he couldn't leave him alone. He didn't want him to live with his loss all the time.
„Dancing with you is like black heaven”

I'll be honest. I like this ship and I will create many arts with them (I can't be lazy, please). I don't care if someone thinks they are sisters, the same person or that Allison can't be shipped with Alice or anyone because she's married to Tom or even that she killed her :)
I've read a lot of comments on pinterest and reddit, but most people on reddit don't agree with what I probably think, so I'd rather not argue with them when I see them because I know it would be pointless and just a waste of my time ^^
"Our face". Through these words, everyone can interpret their relationship differently. Other actresses, personalities, voices. Created from Joey's mind in completely different way, with differences.
Even if their cartoon character is an angel and they're adapted to her together, I don't consider them sisters or clones, just different people, enemies who could get along somehow instead of fighting.
Some people might see something wrong with shipping them, but I also have a lot of ships that don't suit a lot of people that I really love and they need more attention.
I really don't care because no one can change my mind on this. I like this ship, and I also like to ship Susie with Allison in the real world, just like their ink versions.
I wanted to write my opinion as short as possible, but as you can see, I can't write short, I always end up writing too much! >.<

I have watched the full gameplay of BATDR from Superhorrorbro!
The game is soooooo GOOD! REALLY AMAZING, 100/10! I fangurled so bad so many times TwT// Was really great and the game gave me inspo and excitment to draw BATIM again, it feels great and nostalgic~ x3c
Art by me <3
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finally posting here with my fav babygirl yayyyy
BATDR SPOILERS!!! tried the doing the lucky star style 4 this lmaoooo

sammy sammy meowwwwwww!!

haven’t drawn alice in a bit!!!