Before And Now - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Who were you before they broke you?

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5 years ago
First To Last
First To Last

First to Last

It’s been two years since I started drawing ang here’s a comparison of my first (on the left) and my last, or my most recent drawing (on the right) of vJay.

I have to be honest, my first drawing has its flaws, AND its charm. With that being said, never stop practicing. Because that’s how you improve, and eventually you’ll grow as you learn to be the artist you wanted to be.

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3 years ago
Wanted To Compare Hehe, Even Though One Is A Sketch And The Other Would Have Been Considered Pretty Finished

Wanted to compare hehe, even though one is a sketch and the other would have been considered pretty finished at the time, just wanted to show the growth. These are about a year apart and I’ve found out that I’m not only so much more comfortable showing my messy sketches and concepts, but my style has grown into itself tremendously. I don’t have a whole lot of time on my hands and I had so many projects stacked up, but this counts as something at least hehe.

This Is Yet Another Concept Idea For A Fic? Kitsune/hybrid? Todo/baku. This Was Done A Long Time Ago

This is yet another concept idea for a fic? Kitsune/hybrid? Todo/baku. this was done a long time ago too, all my old files are just collecting dust hehehe.

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