Behind The Curtain - Tumblr Posts

Once a bafflement to the finest minds at The Academy of Bird Sciences, the remarkable mystery surrounding the diurnal behaviour of Burrowing Owls has finally been solved with an unexpected twist: they are completely blind and they are not diurnal. What were once hypothesized to be protective ‘hatless brim’ feathers are actually specially shaped to channel forward-facing sound into their ear holes, allowing effective around the clock hunting. The belief they were diurnal was easily debunked upon realising every ornithographer contracted by TABS to study these birds would retire to bed at a reasonable hour.
I don't know if anyone cares but here's a peak at some of the quantity of iterations I go through for some pics.
Granted this photo was because I accidentally set the batch count too high and then walked away without realizing it.. but that's besides the point.
Let me know if you'd be interested in seeing the process/my decision making to get to a final product.

It really bothers me that they cut out the audio of Dan’s screams from this scene because they were too ‘agonizing’
I think this is some of Daniel’s best acting throughout the entire series and it would have earned him this whole new realm of respect.
It would have haunted people. The scene is already very haunting, but the thought of his screams after watching the last member of his family get murdered… I can’t even imagine.
I wish that the audio was floating around out there for fans to hear if they want, or as an alternate scene on the DVD.