Being Multilingual Is Fun Sometimes - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

This made me remember that I should pay more attention to how my parents speak. English isn’t their first language. But there are little things that says a lot about the Vietnamese Language and grammar.

Even Dialect!!! I wish I can remember lots of examples. But only one example my sister reminded was how my mom says fish. Her Southern accent makes her speak words softer, so she drops the ending/ last consonant a lot. And Southern dialect doesn’t have a “sh” sound (Northern dialect does). So when she says “fish” in English, it sounds more like “fees” or “fis” with the softest s sound you ever heard.

as I’m typing, I remember her “pie apple.” My siblings and I try to get her to say “Apple pie” because it sounds like she’s saying “pineapple” to avoid confusion. But adjectives comes after nouns in other languages.

i find it so cool to notice that like non-native speakers making mistakes in their second language tells you about the grammar and vocab of their native language like that's so cool to me.

like i can only pull up confident examples from french bc i learned that one but like etoiles saying "watch the chests" instead of "look at/in the chests" is because in french i imagine he'd use the verb "regarder" which does translate to "to watch" but also can be used when we in english would say "to look"!!!!!! that's cool!!!!! and sometimes i'll hear the french saying along the lines of "wait me" bc that's the grammar for it in french!!! "attends-moi" is "wait for me" they just don't say "for" it's cool!!!!!! wow!!!!! i fucking love that i think that's so fucking neat bc i know that I MADE that mistake in the other direction, bc on an assignment i wrote "attendez pour moi" bc we say for in english!!!!!!!! and it was wrong!!!! and it's cool!!!!!! it's cool that i can pick up things about other languages even when they're not speaking the other languages!!!!!! wow!!!!!!!!! like when spanish speakers start english sentences with "is" bc that's how it works in spanish!!!!!! that's so cool!!!!!! they don't need "it" in spanish and hearing y'all say that is like wow!!!! i'm learning things about how spanish sentences work even though it's not even in spanish!!!!! holy shit!!!!!!!

i know i've noticed more things from the other languages too but i can't remember any of them now bc my spanish is "69 days on duolingo" and my brazilian portuguese is "meu deus" but if anyone else has noticed please!!!!! tell me!!!!! it's so cool!!!!!!

(as an aside this is not to knock or mock anyone for being bad at a second language i just think it is FUCKING FASCINATING i am giggling i am kicking my feet i think it is so cool it is so fucking dope language and language learning is so cool)

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