Ben Solo Imagines - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Heart Condition - Kylo Ren

Kylo Ren x Fem!reader

Warnings: mentions of heart issues maybe feeling vulnerable?

Word count: 1,044

Requested: If I can, can I request for Kylo Ren? (If you write for him) the reader is born with a heart condition and after finding that out, he asks to listen to her heartbeat after learning it has a murmur beating with it, after listening to it, she gets his reaction? - @sweetworld-ev

Authors Note: Lame title I know but it’s my first with a medical condition and it sum’s it up. Thank you for requesting! I loved writing this. This one is also my very first Kylo Ren imagine.


Star Wars Masterlist


Heart Condition - Kylo Ren

“Where’s Y/n?” Kylo questioned walking onto the bridge heading towards Hux.

Kylo Ren and Y/n were parameters, both apprentices of Supreme Leader Snoke. Y/n just followed Kylo, having been training with Luke before. Y/n had been an orphan and Luke took her to the temple since even at a young age she has been very strong with the force. As much as it hurt to leave Luke she didn’t have anything or anyone. With the jedi order gone where would she have gone? What would she have done? Leaving with her best friend she had always had a crush on seemed like her only option to not be alone. Y/n doesn’t want to use the force for evil, Kylo knows how much she hurt’s on the inside when they do have to use the force for some awful things. So he normally took the lead when it came to those things. Not long after going under Snoke, the two had gotten together. After all, that is allowed on the Dark Side. So when she didn’t show up to training he went asking Hux. For a reason he’ll never understand Y/n is friends with Hux.

“Infirmary last I checked.” Hux huffed out very annoyed that he was being interrupted.

“Why?” Kylo asked through his ever-growing damaged mask. Kylo knew he was annoying Hux but that was just a plus to him. But he also figured if he knew where she was then he might know why.

“Why don’t you ask her? She’s your partner and your bedfellow, isn’t she? You should know things about her but it seems you’re the last to know anything about her. Maybe even one of the biggest things.” Hux told him off, leaving Kylo to stand on the control bridge alone.

With his newfound information, Kylo headed to the infirmary. But once he got there they had informed him that she had been discharged and left about 30 minutes before he had got there. So he headed back to where he knew she probably would’ve gone. Their shared room.

When he entered their room there she was sitting criss-cross on the bed in one of his undershirts.

“Hey.” She greeted him but the expression on his face made her ask. “What’s wrong?”

“Why were you in the infirmary?” Was the first thing he asked after some silence. He decided to just get right to the point. Taking off his helmet and lightsaber.

“Always the straight shooter.” Y/n shook her head letting out a light laugh. Hoping to distract him with a  change of subject.

“Why were you there? What happened?” Kylo pushed, not wanting to drop the subject like Y/n hoped.

“I’m fine.” She shrugged smiling at him showing it wasn’t a big deal. But Kylo could see her smile wasn’t reaching her eyes.

“That’s not what I asked.” he said as he stepped forward, closer to the bed. Kylo moved to sit down across from her but not to far since he was concerned about her. He tilted his head before asking. “Why don’t you want to tell me?”

Y/n sighed slumping her shoulders defeated looking down to her lap. There was no keeping it from him now. “I don’t want to be defined by it.”

“Have I ever defined you by anything about you or something you’ve done?” Kylo said it almost as if it was a challenge. Y/n knew he was right.

Y/n let out a sigh and started to nervously ring her fingers together. She took a deep breath before looking up to look him in the eyes. “I have a heart condition. My heart doesn’t beat like yours.”

Kylo just sat there thinking for a moment before asking. “How long?”

Y/n shrugged shaking her head. “Since forever really. ALl y life. It’s a heart murmur.”

“Why haven’t you told me before?” Kylo asked having a lot of questions running through his head. Y/n could see the concern growing in his eyes.

“I didn’t want to be viewed as weak or vulnerable.” She spoke softly not wanting to be having this conversation and worried to know his thoughts on the matter.

“Your to strong and determined to be considered either of those.” Kylo stated scooting closer to her on the bed, grabbing her hands in his.

Y/n blushed at his stare and words, they made her feel better. Which was his goal. Kylo never liked to see her down or nervous. Then after getting her to laugh and relax, he had just thought of something he wanted to ask her.

“Can I listen?” he asked her trying not to show just how curious he truly is.

“Huh?” Y/n tilted her head at his question not understanding what he meant.

“To your heart. Can I listen?” Kylo smiled at her dumbfounded look that crossed her face. So he elaborated with a smile.

“Uh-yeah. If you want to.” Y/n stuttered out, she didn’t mind him listening to it. Not at all. He was starting to understand and that meant the world to her.

With her permission to listen Kylo went ahead and leaned his head against her chest to listen to her heart murmur. It didn’t take long for him to hear it. Once he did she was right it was slightly different than a normal heartbeat sound. But he found it oddly soothing and he liked that he would be the only one to ever hear it.

“You know what I enjoy?” he asked her with a slight smirk on his lips as he moved back to look her in the eyes.

“Well, you only enjoy a few things so please enlighten me?” She was very curious about his answer.

“I enjoy how unique the sound of your heart is. It’s different and soothing.” Kylo stated starring her right in the eyes as he told her.

Which made her heart melt. If she knew this would’ve been his reaction she would’ve told him a long time ago. But he’s just so unpredictable. Grateful for his words and actions she pulled him into a kiss that turned slowly into more. It was a moment that words could not describe between the two.

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