Bendy : Fade To Black - Tumblr Posts

Bendy : Fade To Black cover released a few weeks ago, and I had a few theories and speculations I discussed with my friends on discord ‘bout it, which I’m gonna share here, cuz why not.
JoyPaws, one of my friends, had dug a bit deeper into the design of the TV, and commented it on Adrienne Kress’s post on Insta that it could be from the 50s, which her reply can somewhat 50% confirm that it is indeed a TV from the 50s, which would be a strange time, since both GENT and JDs (at least the NYC location) both shut down before or early 50s.
The other thing is that Bendy is climbing out of the TV here and I just wondered if this is a new method Bendy/Ink Demon could travel or something. GENT and JDS does some funky things with the ink, who says they can’t slip some ink into some cables, some wires, some signal towers, and boom a new way for Ink Demon to travel quickly. Like those movies where a ghost climbs out of the TV. Just a speculation.
And also, another teaser image had the line “What is real?” and I wonder if that alludes to some sort of trippy dream logic or something, ‘cause the ink can clearly do some reality-time warp and stuff. The cycle’s a clear example of that.

Oh, my! Has it been a while since I posted here.
This is an old art from when FTB was first teased!
No because how is Rose not dead yet. So far she's met a Gent Boy, Joey Drew, and Wilson Arch. No young person can survive even one of those three at a time.
Rose when Allison

How actual dare you make me imagine Superhorrorbro's voice in my Bendy novel

Problems with erasing Bendy Book canon:
With the FNAF books, we were told they were canon-divergent fairly early on. For Bendy, this was never specified, leading many to believe this was all just straight-up canon information that they were running with for theorycrafting. For a long time.
Why the hell would you de-canonize the ENTIRE origin story of Boris? He's a central character to Bendy and the Ink Machine.
(And before it's pointed out, no, we don't "need" Illusion of Living for "gay evidence." The point here is y'all released an autobiography for one of your two main characters and you're saying it's not canon. That's ludicrous.)
Things that were explained/brought up in the novels that apparently "aren't canon anymore": how Sammy got infected, Thomas's conflicting feelings about the machine he created, the origin of Boris the wolf, several instances of Joey's gaslighting and manipulative behavior and his slow descent into madness after Henry's departure, a look into Gent technology and the Gent experiments that took place after they switched over to "research", Abby Lambert (who SHOULD be in the mainline games all things considered), Joey Drew's ENTIRE AUTOBIOGRAPHY including his PHILOSOPHIES AND REAL ASS LIFE, ANDDD the themes of classism, racism, and sexism that were VERY present at that time in history. Among other things.
You're taking out several new characters for no reason. I'm not saying they all need to return, but it makes zero sense to introduce a bunch of new guys and then immediately abandon them...only to introduce a bunch of OTHER new guys.
I've seen a few comments in response to Mike that go along the lines of "oh thank goodness now I don't need to read the books to understand the lore!" No disrespect, but I think that's a fundamental misunderstanding of what the books do. They enhance your understanding of all the background plot. You don't need to read the books to understand the games. But that shouldn't mean erasing the existing information's canonicity because not everyone wants to read it.
Bendy isn't FNAF. Bendy has a much more streamlined plot. Not everything fits perfectly of course, but to take out such a large chunk of what we THOUGHT was the plot (or plot-adjacent) is headscratching to me. You claim to care about the plot, characters and worldbuilding and then you decide that some of the BEST written interpretations of these characters and their world just aren't "legitimate" now? .......All of a sudden?
I want to punch something
Link that doesn't lead to the Bendy books as PDF's
Normal link that DOESN'T lead to all the Bendy books as PDF's for free. You CANNOT download them or look at them.
what if I wanted to post every day but it took me 1 bajillion hours to finish a vid 💔