Better Late And Right Than Impressive And Wrong - Tumblr Posts
3 years ago
See one of my problems with Kant is this: Yah I should do this because it's my duty, and it's my duty because of [his] logic. But even assuming your logic is correct, since when has logic been a deciding factor in choice?
Our logic does not make decisions for us, we make the decision to follow our logic. We make decisions by ourselves or by the passions we've elected to have power over us. Logic is not an end, it is merely a tool a crucial and unexceptable tool for human life and progression; yet still only a tool not a god.
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and if it is a god for you
one a pitiful one
humans are not rube golberg machines
or computers
we are stupid
and that's a good thing
we need to be stupid
if we too quickly come up with core thoughts than we are going to end up with some incorrect fundamental features
sorry I meant fundamental principles
better late and right than impressive and wrong
philosophical waxings
It's been a long time since I studied Kant
correct me but go easy