Beyond Is Going To Be Miles' Resolution - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Said in my review of the movie, but easily one of my favorite aspects of Across The Spider-Verse was the Spot. Like, maybe I’m biased because he’s one of my favorite underrated Spider-Villains but he was SUCH a great choice for the bad guy in this movie and they wrote him so well, perfectly capturing his story in the comics.

They really bait you out into thinking that he’s this cute, adorable, dorky, and harmless joke character, the sort of dumb “villain of the week” that Spider-Man swats on his way to real problems and never does anything especially evil, but then they start peeling the layers back and you slowly realize that, no, this goofball dude is actually a completely ruthless, bloodthirsty, vindictive, and depraved murderer who will do ANYTHING in the name of getting even with the people who piss him off in anyway whatsoever and his powers are only superficially goofy at best, being nightmarishly powerful when applied properly. And all you’re doing by laughing at him or beating him up is encouraging him to get even stronger so he can come back and kill everyone you love as a personal “fuck you” because he doesn’t care how many dead bodies it takes to make people take him seriously.

He starts the movie as a generic low-level RPG enemy and ends it as a nigh-unkillable superboss stacked down with game-breaking stats. It’s incredible.

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