Big Love - Tumblr Posts
mostly bsd rn, wanting to rp bsd
Also in like a million fandoms i dont remember, dont follow them super close but i know a decent amount of the story
Bsd, mha, genshin, botw, totk, httyd, fnaf, warrior cats, rain world, jjk, bleach, harry potter, magic and mystery/coil if that counts, beast bsd, 15 bsd, dunno much of stormbringer
Thats abt all i can think of rn
I wanna make roleplay blogs but emotions are hard and i dont fully understand a lot of characters that i wanna rp and wont represent them properly
And by probably i mean definetly

My Part on an art trade I arranged with one of my favourite tumblr artists @binley! You guys should check out her work! It’s amazing!

My end of an art trade with @binley!!! …I had a lot of fun with Fleshlocks (aka ROOOOOOPURT) hair

** With all the focus on the creators in the past week, I thought it would also be a great time to show appreciation to all the wonderful curators out there. The people who work really hard to help share and promote the work of others. Without them our little world here on tumblr would hardly be seen at all. Below is just a small sample of some of them. Please feel free to reblog, add to, edit and insert your own message of appreciation to this post for your favourite curators!
photoworthseeing, beautifullyframed, mistymorningme, radivs, ponderation, refinedconcept, imiging, inspiringbitsandpieces, luxlit, lensblr-network, biutifulpics, gray-card, thephotgrapherssociety, camera-raw, westernshore, rivermusic, the-masterworks, wavemotions, drxgonfly, morningsandevenings, 1512px, myutopianmind, earth-roamer, tect0nic, sonsofkerouac, boschintegral, sublim-ature, zosia24, -vvaste3, porcvpine, s-v-e-l-t-e, alphatherion, collectedx, original-photographers, amomentovbeauty, wolves-whales-and-waves, lovefromalgy, harryriddle21, craftynature, moody-nature, andreduartereblogs, etherealvistas, beatutiful-and-mysterious-world, grimoireandfaeries, solorsystems, unmomentodiluce , ca-admires, telescopical, theoriginalplant, julesfalkhunter
So I was gone for a week (if ya'll didn't see the massive amounts of reblogs) and I want to thank all of the lovely people/moots that @ me <3
But what I wanted to wanted to celebrate the most was the fact that I got 100 followers on my art blog!

I really wanted to thank all of you wonderful people and I do have a means to celebrate!
But I am so tired from camp, I'll celebrate later
I love ya'll and I'll see yous laterrrr
may I perchance request a silly little egg?


I just wanna say, you guys and gals here in the TW fandom are amazing and awesome! I love the fun we have had today! I haven’t laughed this hard in a while! ♥

trans girls?? 💖💖💖💖💖
trans boys?? 💖💖💖💖💖
non binary ppl?? 💖💖💖💖💖
terfs?? 🚫🚫❌🚫🚫
oh my god Song of the Anti-Sisyphus by Chen Chen just split my head open like a melon and now is eating out of my brain i can't believe he wrote this
Artemis: Behind the Legacy chapter 4
As always some links to the previous chapters:
First chapter
Previous chapter
Next chapter coming ””””soon ”””” 👀, this time for real guys, December will be a busy month so idk when I’ll be able to post the next one 😔
⚠️ As always x2, little disclaimer ⚠️
This chapter includes MAJOR SPOILERS of the prequel trilogy (!!!and movie!!!) so if you didn’t play it yet I recommend you not to read this, I would feel too guilty by ruining you one of the biggest plot twists of the series with my trashy comic eheh
💖 As always x3 a big thanks to @narumitsu-lawlu , @edns and @targentis , without the support of these amazing people not only we would have horribly written dialogues but also I would probably have given up on this project a long time ago, so thank you so much!!! 💖
I think I said everything I needed to say, finally you get to see the very first reference to the canon series and most importantly I love how convenient it is that I get to post this in the middle of my Des propaganda for the sexyman-thingy, I promise it wasn’t intentional though, I’ve been working on this garbage for over a month ahah
Alright, enough talking enjoy the chapter!!! 💕

Keep reading
would you ever write a reader/jj/john b three way? only write what ur comfortable with. i love reading your stuff!!!!

ahhh thank you so much!! consider it written bby ;) she’s on her way
the threeway fic is heavenly, well not heavenly because ya know, but it was amazing!!

thankyouthankyouthankyou!!! im so glad you liked it :) i really do love and appreciate the encouragement. you’re heavenly for reading it! well, not heavenly because, y’know, but... you get what i mean. big love my man!
The threeway fic and john b, kie and reader fic were amazing!!! Would you ever write any more or a jj x reader x kie fic? ((If any one knows of any more pls lmk))

hey!! thank you so much :) i definitely would write more! i have a few asks in my inbox for that type of stuff which i plan to work on sometime soon, so look forward to that ;) how are you doing anon? are you kicking quarantine’s ass? if anyone else knows of any more threesome stuff obx related feel free to link in the replies for anon to find. big love! - nat