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![HeYO Its The [[number 1 Rated Salesman]] Big Day Today!!](
![HeYO Its The [[number 1 Rated Salesman]] Big Day Today!!](
![HeYO Its The [[number 1 Rated Salesman]] Big Day Today!!](
![HeYO Its The [[number 1 Rated Salesman]] Big Day Today!!](
![HeYO Its The [[number 1 Rated Salesman]] Big Day Today!!](
HeYO it’s the [[number 1 rated salesman]] big day today!!
Y’all have no idea how fast I had 2 finish this pic for this day lol
But anyway Happy Birthday my silly big shot💖💛

FINALLY updated my Spamton ref sheet 4 like what? Months?? Idk but he’s finally here dAMN !
I swear I gotta stop being distracted so easily & get my shit done on time 😓

Oop forgot 2 put these here

Drew this quickly cuz am I the only one who thinks this splatfest fr gives Spamton vibes??

Drew the Big Shot again just 2 make a friend of mine flustered teehehehe💰❤️💳
My attempt at drawing this [[BIG SHOT]]
![My Attempt At Drawing This [[BIG SHOT]]](
Spamton G. Spamton
I refuse to draw normal teeth
![My Attempt At Drawing This [[BIG SHOT]]](
[Transparent version]
Day 26: Vacation
* * *
“Think of it like… the vacation you’ve been meaning to take! I mean, everyone means to take a vacation, right? Here’s your opportunity!”
“But, wait-” Alfred tried to follow the station executive into his office but the taller man put a hand on Alfred’s chest and firmly pushed him backwards while fishing a ringing phone out of his pocket with his free hand.
“Thanks for everything, Al! Best of luck with the vacation okay? Bye!” The other man resolutely slammed the door in Alfred’s face, leaving the Big Shot host alone in the empty hallway.
Dumbfounded, Alfred stood there unsure of what just happened or what to do next. He could hear the voice of the executive followed by a smattering of fake laughter. That smarmy bastard.
The familiar jingle of music from the intro to Big Shot sounded as the alarm on Alfred’s watch went off. It was time to get down to the set and get into costume. Apparently for the last time.
Feeling hollow, Alfred finally started to move towards the elevator at the end of the hall. He’d ridden up with the executive, spirits high, thinking that they were going to discuss terms for another couple of seasons. For crying out loud, there were at least three hundred thousand people who claimed bounty hunting as their occupation - how did that add up to low ratings?!
He moved through the building like a zombie. Physically he was there, mentally he was gone. It was such an unexpected blow to be out of a job like that. No foreshadowing, no rumors of their demise, just… done. Last call, bow and peace out.
The makeup artist hummed as she touched up his hair before settling the cowboy hat on top of his head. He wondered idly if she knew that this was the last time she’d be in charge of ensuring Judy’s top stayed artfully in place. Oh hell. Judy. Poor thing had no idea what was about to happen. She’d been his co-host for years now, bubbly and brilliant despite the airheadedness she brought to the tv set as part of her on-screen persona. He was going to miss how she brightened the room with her vivacious personality.
A cold fury built up inside him as he realized exactly why the executive had deigned to impart the knowledge of cancellation on him in particular. No doubt Judy would have tried to gouge the man’s eyes out with one of her stiletto heels. Charming as she could be when the camera was rolling, Judy was more than capable of dishing out some serious pain - physically or emotionally. He’d seen her verbally cut down a few asshole ad men who had thought to approach her about utilizing her assets for their bullshit merchandise. He’d also seen her chase away a debt collector who had approached one of the cameramen while they were setting up gear. She refused to let anything get in the way of their show, which included protecting the people filming.
With a heavy sigh and a heavier heart, Alfred made his way to the mark on the set. There was no putting it off any longer… done is done, after all. …and, while not at all a vacation, there might be some good he could glean out of this unfortunate situation. Making up time with his mother had been a goal for years now but work had constantly made it difficult to be there for her. Well, no more. He would break the news to his co-host and their audience, and then regretfully… let the curtain fall on Big Shot.