Billy Dbd - Tumblr Posts
how about how some of the dbd cast would react to stuff you baked? (i like most of the characters, i think that ghostface or meg would be interesting for a couple examples)
(this is for the one writing request thingy ? :D
HELLOOOOO can do!!! Thanks for requesting <333

He was in awe and thought it was cute
Someone actually baked something for him
"Aww thanks sweetheart" he says and kisses you softly on your lips
He would only comment once on it if it tasted bad but otherwise would shower you in complements
He would also be teasing you constantly in a loving way of course
Blushes and gives you a hug
"Awww thanks hun" squeezes you tighter till you tell her to quit it
She would love whatever you made for her and would share with her grandma (mom?can't remember lore T-T)
She especially loves brownies...*wink wink*
Albert Wesker
"Oh you made something for me? How cute..." He gives a charming smile
He caresses your chin softly and places his thumb on your lips
He takes the chocolate chip cookie you made him and pops it into his mouth and chews slowly to savor the flavor
He gives a small hum and nods "These are wonderful dearheart but I would recommend to let them cook more so they are a bit crunchy"
He takes another cookie and puts it in his mouth and chews a little and then connects his mouth with yours and kisses you to where you both have some cookie
When you guys pull away for air and swallow he licks his lips and smirks
The Trickster
"I'm not surprised you baked something for someone as talented as me"
He's so fucking cocky like that was not a good move, he's so fucking full of it
He's used to being given this kinda stuff
It means a little bit more to him since it's from you...
Don't expect much that just a quick kiss and no knives in your back :)
"Thanks but why?"
He's flattered and appreciates it but is confused
He will pick you up and hug you and flash you a big smile showing off his pearly white teeth
Will brag to the other survivors (especially Nancy and Jonathan)
"My girlfriend baked me something did yours?" He says in a snarky tone and a shit eating grin
She swings an arm around your neck and kisses your cheek
"Thank you love" she says as she pulls some hair out of you face
She smiles at you lovingly and takes the cupcake you made her
She takes a bite, icing gets in the tip of her nose
She tries to lick it off but fails so you grab her face gently and lick it off yourself
You pull away and giggle while she's tries to say something
She blushes and looks away and smiles bashfully
"Aw thank you darlin'"
She pinches your cheek and pulls a bit
She takes a macaroon and eats it slowly, savoring the flavor
She lets out a satisfied moan
"Soo~ good darlin' you need to make more"
She envelopes you into a bear hug with your face smashed between her boobs
(platonic! I headcannon him as Ace and Aro so everything for him is strictly platonic!!)
*Happy noises*
Someone made something for him?!
How wonderful! He's so happy!!
He had a hard time talking so he will show you how much he appreciates it
Whatever you make he will love
He will give you things too!!
He can't bake or cook but it's okay! He's trying:')
Hi! So this has been on my mind and i wanted to request it) a new survivor has been brought in by the entity who is a little bit chubby and they feel so out of place, in their first trial they see other survivors hiding in lockers and want to try it, but the door doesn't shut all the way and when they get out they notice the killer just looking at them, how do you think Wesker, ghostface and (whoever else you would like to add) would react or what would they do (hopefully this is okay)
It's totally okay!!!
Killers reacting to survivor who can't fit in a locker

He see's you from a distant
He goes to you and see's that the doo doesn't shut all the way
When you step out and make eye contact with him he stares at you
He feels bad and leaves you alone, he let's you escape
He would try to help you and try to talk to the Entity to make the lockers bigger
(I wanna be friends with him so bad ðŸ˜) be his friend please 🥺
I have mixed feelings
He would either laugh and lowkey fat shame you
Or he would raise an eyebrow and just shrug it off
If he fat shamed you he would say something like "Damn you really can't fit into a locker huh? Let's hope with all this running you loose a few pounds"
But if he shrugged it off he would just go after you and maybe (most likely) just ignore you when you go into lockers and pretend your not in there (if you do decide to try to hide in lockers)
He scoffs and looks you up and down
He's not really fat shaming but he finds it amusing that the locker wont close all the way
He will walk away and will ignore you if you go into a locker again
If you do and he see's you he shakes his head
Your not even trying to hide...
How would each of the killers react to a survivor that can't speak and can only communicate in sign language? Do any of them know sign language?
Lmao I'm not doing all of the killers that's a lot but I will do some.
Killers react to survivor who can't speak

He also cannot speak!
So when he hears that you also can't and know sign language he goes to you
He wants to learn so he can communicate
He never got the chance to learn so he would appreciate it if you would teach him <3
He does know some sign language!
If he warmed up to you he would try to communicate to you
He would want learn more
Y'all just sitting in complete silence while throwing signs, talking about the most random things
She does not know sign language
She see's you don't speak and are super quiet ands like why don't you speak
She then see's you do signs with your hand and it confuses her more
She thinks your a witch lol
She she learns you can't speak and it's sign language
She relaxes and watches you when you sign but does not understand