Billy Joe Cobra - Tumblr Posts

I don't think I am in control of my life anymore this sketch just kind of appeared

I finished this thing for some unknown reason

This is BIG FOUR. On green grass. ;-)

I accidentally another Billy Inspired by this song

some Billy doodles. Imagine if he was phasing through a wall and got stuck? Actually don't it can get pretty dodgy

another BJC doodle. The moral of the story is nomatter how much of an art rut you're in there's no excuse for NOT drawing Billy Joe Cobra (I have no idea what he's doing)

today has been spent at work, and doing this. I don't feel like today has been very productive

does anybody else remember this guy???? can anybody tell me why I’m still drawing him 2 years later???????????

im basically two flavors of idiot
Does anyone want to do a ‘Dude That’s My Ghost!’ Roleplay?
I’m looking for someone to play as Spencer Wright and I play as Billy Joe Cobra.
Iwant a more darker mood with maybe even Ectofeature.

Woo! Finally finished! This was a special request for my sister after she helped me design my commissions info stuff :)

Old Billy sketch .p.

No hay nada interesante en lo que escribo. ;)