Bi/pan - Tumblr Posts
I have to remind people again. Being bisexual is NEVER transphobic. We are attracted to transgender people and nonbinaries. We are NOT the ones excluding them. It's people who say shit like that who make the assumptions. Bisexualism and Pansexualism are two different sexualities. Neither one is better than the other. Someone actually said that Pansexual is a better term in place of bisexuality, and I want everyone to know how ignorant and hurtful that comment is. Not just for bisexuals but also pansexuals. Being bisexual and being pansexual are EQUAL to but are NOT the same thing. We do NOT exclude transgenders or non binaries, but the people who are saying that we do are making us feel like we should be excluded from the rest of the community. There is no excuse for biphobia. Educate yourselves. I AM PROUD TO SAY THAT I AM BOTH BISEXUAL AND PANSEXUAL. BISEXUALS DO NOT EXCLUDE.
Arranged marriage doesn't sound so bad anymore
But do i have to come out to everyone for a full disclosure and risk being outed to a conservative homophobic community
Now, listen. Heartstopper has given us so much good representation. We’ve gotten gay rep, bi rep, lesbian rep, trans rep, even aro/ace rep (and I believe some enby rep but I’m not sure). But I think it could be even more. Because now that we’re being shown inklings of Imogen being a little bit fruity, I think it’d be great if we got some pansexual rep.

Like, it’d be so good. As far as I’m aware there aren’t any pansexual characters in Heartstopper (yet!), so I think Imogen would be the perfect character to have that arc with