Bizarros - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Shoutouts to (the SPBNR Discord server)’s name headcanons of—

Aki — Bizarro!Kai, name comes from an anagram of Kai, also (possibly, please politely correct me if I’m wrong!) can mean “bright”, “shining”, “autumn”, “sparkle”, “daybreak”, and/or “love, hope” depending on the writing in Japanese

Nane — Bizarro!Zane, name come from flipping the Z into an N (can be a dialectal variant of “None”)

Cage — Bizarro!Jay, name comes from the letter sounds it makes (Jay = J, Cage = K + G (but a soft g)), also comes from a birdcage that could trap a bluejay (his backup name is Corvid)

Chons — Bizarro!Cole, name comes from the chemical formula for coal (ex. C137H97O9NS is bituminous coal). He tried to get the nickname “Chronos” instead (a fitting name considering the scythe). It didn’t catch on

Okay, after watching Ninjago since the start and being in the fandom for a while, I think the weirdest thing to me is people actually remembering and making fics and designs of the evil versions of the ninja that literally appeared in one episode in the second season. Like. What

Honestly I should just stop questioning the Ninjago fandom

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7 months ago

Bizarro Ninja Names

So. Question to all my fellow ninjago fans.

What are your hc's for the names of the bizarro ninja from Double Trouble (or additional ones like for Lloyd & Nya)? I'm really curious what people call them and why!

I'll start the thread with my own hcs that I made with a few wonderful friends

Bizarro!Kai -- Aki Forge -- his first name is an anagram of "Kai" (and means 'autumn', where the leaf colours match that of fire) while his last name Forge is both a "forgery" joke and a synonym of "Smith"

Bizarro!Movie!Kai -- Kaigami Julien -- first name is a pun on the name "Kagami", meaning 'mirror', last name is because they get adopted by the Julien family because he's a nindroid built by the Mechanic

Bizarro!Cole -- Loce/Chronos "Chons" Bournrock -- Loce is an anagram for Cole, the chemical formula for coal is C₁₃₇H₉₇O₉NS , or "Chons", and a bourn is a small stream synonymous with brook, as in Brookstone, plus it sounds like "born (of) rock"

Bizarro!Movie!Cole -- Charcoal -- Cole sounds like coal, this one is... pretty easy to tell the origins of ajfksalfjka, he's a clone made by movie!Vangelis who wasn't going for creativity

Bizarro!Zane -- Nane Hawk -- Turn the 'Z' in "Zane" sideways and boom, Nane (which also means 'no-one' or 'no-part of a whole'). Hawk is an alternative to a falcon

Bizarro!Movie!Zane -- Oread "Oreid" -- oreads were mountain nymphs in Ancient Greek mythology and is the type of nymph Echo was in mythos (and we all know why the name Echo is relative to a Zane); in this universe, he's a nindroid built by Garmadon's enginerds with seagull features for peak obnoxiousness (and yes, that one seagull laughing meme)

Bizarro!Jay -- Cage Steller -- Cage sounds a bit like just the letter "K" (plus a 'g'/'j'-like sound) , similar to how Jay sounds like "J", and works as a birdcage reference ; and a Steller's Jay is a type of jay

Bizarro!Movie!Jay -- Jayden Walker -- I think this one is obvious too, he's an oni who ran away from the First Realm & gets adopted by the Walkers after copying m!Jay's identity as a human disguise (think V from The Owl House)


Bizarro!Lloyd -- Dyoll/Floyd -- Yeah this is another reference. No it isn't creative. Yes it's funny. Yes it's also an acronym like the others.

Bizarro!Movie!Lloyd -- Christofern -- Y'all know why. Except he's an oni/part oni made of magic (and maybe a tiny bit of magic tea (leaves) so uhhhh surprise m!Lloyd you have a half-brother on your dad's side

Bizarro!Nya -- Yan/Nereid Forge -- Yan means 'beautiful' and is an acronym of Nya while nereid are sea nymphs from Ancient Greek mythology (and the same Forge 'forgery / smith' reference applies as it does with Aki)

Bizarro!Movie!Nya -- Kujira -- means 'whale' and may have been a potential word inspiration for the name "Wojira" ; a merlopian clone made of magic by the Followers of Wojira to help awaken the sleeping serpentine goddess

Bizarro!PIXAL -- Byte -- 'the basic unit of information in computer storage and processing' and a play on words like "gigabyte, terabyte, etc.'

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